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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 3

'Mommy! Cassie pushed me!'

'Mommy! I want Cassie's toy! Take it from her!'

'Daddy! Cassie won't let me borrow her dress!'

'Mommy! Cassie stole my boyfriend!'

Unpleasant memories flood my brain. My stepsister's relentless whining while we were growing up still echoes in my ears, even after all these years.

My father married Megan's mother when I was eight years old. I tried my best to make Megan feel at home with us, to form a sisterly bond with her, but she never really liked me. She constantly watched me, the things that I had, and the stuff that my father bought for me. I could feel that envy that simmered within her whenever I got a new toy, no matter how small or inexpensive it was.

As we grew older, the rivalry only got more complex. We were no longer fighting over toys or material possessions. I felt that we were competing for the same affection and attention. She made sure to steal every guy that I ever dated, making me feel like I was insignificant and undatable. She even made my father dislike me.

And now...

"Were you... talking to Kayden just now?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"Oh, you heard that, huh?" she asks, smirking. "Well, I guess there's no point keeping it a secret now. Yes, I was just talking to Kayden." She holds out her left hand in front of me, showing me a gold ring with a huge rock in the center. "Do you agree that this ring is perfect for the future Mrs. Kayden Steele?"

As I stare at the sparkling ring on Megan's finger, my heart sinks. I know she expects me to salivate over how huge the rock is, or how expensive the ring must have been. But the only thought that runs through my mind is, 'She gets a ring?'

Because Kayden just signed our marriage license. He didn't bother to get me an engagement ring, not even a wedding ring.

"Oh, you poor thing,' Megan puts on a pout that is supposed to be apologetic, but clearly, she is just rubbing her affair with my husband in my face. "Your marriage with Kayden was never going to work out. I knew it."

"How... how long have you known my husband?"

"Too long. I have always thought we'd end up together. But then you stole him from me like the scheming, sneaky gold digger you are! But he would never love you. The two of us share a bond since we were kids. No amount of scheming or seduction from you could take him away from me.”

My blood boils as I hear Megan's tirade. How could she flaunt her affair with my husband and have the audacity to accuse me of stealing Kayden from her?

"That's not true!" I cry. "We were building a family! We were doing okay until you came back to the picture. If you didn't, I know he would stay with our little family."

"Family?" she hisses. "What family are you talking about?"

I don't reply. Instead, I raise a brow at her triumphantly. Her eyes widen in shock, and her glance goes to my tummy.

"You're..." She shakes her head in disbelief. "No way that baby is Kayden’s.”

This time, I feel a little victorious. It's good to see Megan fall from the high table for a change.

"Believe it or not, Megan," I continue to taunt her. "When Kayden decided to marry me, I did believe he was willing to try. He wouldn't do that if he completely hates me, would he?"

“So, you managed to seduce him to go to bed with you? He must have been wasted to even sleep with you.”

It’s my turn to smirk at her. "What are you scared of Megan? The fact that Kayden isn’t completely immune to my charms? Or that this baby might change everything between us?”

Megan takes a step closer, her eyes looking livid. “How will a bastard change anything?”

What the fuck did she just call my baby?

My blood boils as Megan's words hang in the air.

The audacity, the cruelty!

I ball my hands into fists as I try my damnedest to stay calm and composed.

"This baby is not a bastard! This baby could just well be the heir of Steele Corp. Remember, we're still married. And Kayden has yet to find out about this baby. He just might rethink his decision about divorcing me."

Anger flares in Megan’s eyes when she hears my words. I can tell that she realizes just how vulnerable her position is.

"You're just like your mother! A shameless, scheming slut!"


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