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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 10


After spending an hour with Beta Hana, I’m tempted to rethink my desire to enter her claiming. That is until we nearly walk into Elijah and Jara. He is escorting her to dinner, just as I am escorting Hana, although I doubt the reason he was chosen was the same.

Hana had come right out and asked if there was anyone in the room who did not intend to be in her claiming. I was the only one to raise my hand and therefore, I was the only one that she spent any time with during her social hour.

If I thought that Hana’s outfit tonight was meant to cause the males to drool with lust, Jara’s is downright riot-inducing. I can’t help it as my eyes drift down her practically see-through dress. The nude color underneath barely covers her and since it’s the same color as her skin, it’s nearly impossible to see where her layer of material ends, and her actual skins begins. If these two don’t cause a rut, it’ll be a fucking miracle.

And as I see the smug look on Jara’s face, the same one I saw on Hana’s when she walked into her social gathering tonight, I know that’s exactly what they are hoping. They want us to kill each other off, so they don’t have to go through their claiming. I make a mental note to never underestimate either of these women.

“Alpha Jara. You look….breath-taking. And since you seem to be dressed for dancing, may I put in my request now for a dance?”

She takes a moment to look me over. “Alpha Mason, my brother spoke highly of you.” She turns to look at Elijah. “Both of you.”

That surprises me, and I can see Elijah’s shock as it quickly crosses his face before being replaced with his usual calm

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demeanor. I didn’t know Seth would speak highly of anyone wanting to claim his sister. I’m hopeful that will give me an in with her.

“Your Beta also spoke highly of you during our conversation. So, I’ll save you a dance. Don’t disappoint me, Alpha.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it….Alpha.” I say, making her lips twitch.

She gestures for us to precede her into the room. The minute Hana and I walk in, the entire room goes deathly quiet. I catch Seth’s eye and nod my head as Elijah and Jara step up beside us. When they do, the animosity in the room ratchets up significantly. Not only were we given special attention during their social gathering, but the two most eligible women in this year’s claiming are on our arms. Add to that, they are dressed to cause pandemonium and chaos and it looks like their plan is working.

Seth walks over as the guards take a more protective stance around all the females.

“What the fuck are you wearing, Jara?” He asks quietly so only those of us in her immediate vicinity can hear.

“It’s called a dress, Seth.”

I can see the muscle in his face ticking as he clenches his jaw.

“Is there a reason you chose this particular dress for tonight?”

“Of course, brother. I want these pompous, arrogant, haughty males to see what they are going to be missing out on when they are unable to claim me. If they are incapable of maintaining a level of decorum in a room with five females dressed for an evening out, then they are unworthy of me or any of us, wouldn’t you agree?”

Goddess this woman will be the death of me. And given the atmosphere in the room, that may not even be a figurative


Seth puts his hands on his hips, looking down a moment before shaking his head and sighing. “I love you, Jara.”

“And I thank the goddess every day that you’re my brother, Seth.” She says, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

“Oh and speaking of, may I introduce you to Beta Hana.” Jara expertly steps away from Elijah, linking her arm with her brother before turning toward us.

“Alpha Seth. Your sister speaks highly of you, and I can see that her praise is not unwarranted.”

“Beta Hana.” Seth says, taking her hand and kissing it. The look he gives her is just possessive enough to have me stepping away, but not so possessive that Hana dismisses him.

Instead, I turn to Jara. “May I escort you to your table, Alpha Jara?”

“Yes, thank you Alpha Mason.” She turns and looks at Elijah. “Thank you again for the conversation, Beta Elijah.” He nods, heading toward our assigned table. Since we were in the pool for the social gatherings, we were not eligible for the pool of

individuals that get to have dinner with one of the contestants this evening.

I escort Jara to her table and before she sits, she turns to me. “I look forward to our dance later, Alpha Mason.” I pull her seat out and wait while she sits, her guards coming to sit on either side of her.

“It will be my honor, Alpha Jara.” I notice the enraged looks the others at her table give me before I head to my table. I’m not sure

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