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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 106

The Council Chapter 13: Mason

It’s been a long day and since none of us intended to be here another night, there are no planned activities. We decide to go out to dinner again. After speaking to our small group, they all want to do something on their own, spending time with their mates. Works for me.

Jara and I find a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant where we can sit and talk.

Once we order food, Jara jumps right in. “What do you think of Alpha Gunnar?”

“I think he’s got an ulterior motive. I just haven’t been able to figure out what it is yet.”

“Do you think he’s planning to overtake his minions’ packs

eventually? And what’s with raping the she-wolves? Do we know if he’s close to going feral?”

“The thought occurred to me about the others’ packs. If he sets it up the right way, he could absorb them and make it look like an act of friendship when in reality, it was an act of aggression. A well thought out act of aggression.”

“And the she-wolves?”

“I think he’s desperate. He was in both yours and Hana’s claimings this year. He didn’t catch either of you, although, I think he was one of the ones that had Hana surrounded when she leaped into Seth’s arms.”

“So, if he can’t claim them properly, he will take them by force. It’s too much like Typhon. When we pass the rest of the petition rules, I’ll want to go to his pack, his and Alpha Emanual.”

“So, Emanual got under your skin today?” I tease her. He put himself on my radar as well.

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“Not under my skin, but he’s a problem with his archaic ways of thinking that are not conducive to the continuation of our species or the health of the she-wolves in his pack.”

“On that, you and I can agree.” I reach over and take her hand, pulling it to my mouth and kissing her knuckles as I watch her. “Can we also agree that there is no way in hell that I’m letting you walk onto those pack lands without me?”

She blushes softly as I kiss her hand, her eyes meeting mine as I speak.

“Why Alpha, are you worried about me?”

“It’s not you that I’m worried about. I know you are one hell of a strong woman who can take care of herself. But I don’t trust Gunnar or his group at all, and I certainly won’t trust them with my most prized possession.”

“Your car?” My mate says, batting her eyes and giving me an innocent look that I don’t buy for a second.

“Not my car.” I say, my eyes holding hers in a relentless gaze.

“Your money?” She says, again with an innocent face that isn’t close to being real.

“Do I need to remind you, my precious mate, what my most prized possession is? And how much I absolutely adore her?”

“Hmmmm.” She takes her free hand, the one that I’m not still kissing one knuckle at a time and taps her finger on her lips. “I think maybe I do need a reminder.”

At that moment, our food comes to the table. “We’ll take that to go.” I say before they can even put it in front of us.


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