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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 114

The Council Chapter 21 Jara


When Layan finally stopped crying, we stepped back to give her some room. “I’m so sorry, Alpha Jara. I’m sure you’re here for something important. I didn’t mean to take up your time.” She says, sniffling.

“You’re right, Layan. We are here for something important. We’re here for you.” Hana says to her.

She turns, looking at all of us. “For me?”

“Yes. We’ve been worried about you, so we decided we’d come visit and have a pajama party, movie and popcorn weekend.” I say.

“And pizza!” Annabel says.

There’s a hint of a smile on Layan’s face at that.

“But, before we can have our party, you, beautiful, desperately need a bath.” I tell her, cupping her face.

“Oh!” She exclaims, her hand going to her hair as she looks down at her wrinkled, soiled clothes. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, Alpha, Beta.” She says, looking at me and then Hana.

“Oh foo on that. We’re all Lunas now.” Mignon says to her.

Layan’s eyes go wide. “Lunas? All of you?”

She frowns, looking at Mignon. “But I thought Beta Asher claimed you.”

“He did.” She turns, looking at her mate lovingly where he’s

standing by the front door, watching but giving us space. “But then

his Alpha died, and he took over, making me a Luna.”

She turns, looking at Annabel. “Who claimed you?”

“Tony. Or you’d remember him as Alpha Antonio.” Annabel says.

“And you?” She asks Hana.

“Alpha Seth. So, Jara and I are officially sisters now.” She says, smiling at me.

She turns to me. “Mason caught me, but just barely. I almost made it out on my own.” I hear Alpha Asher snort behind me.

“Come on, we can talk while you get cleaned up.” I tell her, putting my arm around her shoulders and guiding her back the way she


As we pass, her mother mouths a ‘thank you’ to me. I nod at her, and Hana squeezes her hand as we pass her.

When we get to her room, we can smell the stale smell of sweat and tears. I pull Layan into the bathroom and begin running the water in the tub.

“I’ll get you some pajamas for our pajama party.” Annabel says.

“I’ll find some clean sheets so we can make the bed up for you.” Mignon says, walking off to find clean sheets.

Hana looks around the bathroom as I help Layan out of her clothes. She’s so exhausted, it’s like she’s a child, barely able to comprehend what’s going on around her. Once I have her clothes stripped off of her, I get her in the tub. When she doesn’t release my hand, I sit on the side of the tub, holding her hands as Hana comes back with shampoo, body wash and a cup so we can wash Layan’s hair.

“You’re really here to see me?” She says softly, never taking her eyes off of me, as Hana begins to pour warm water over her head. Her hair is so oily that it just flows right off.

“We are. We love you Layan. We’ve all been worried about you. So, when we saw Alpha Davis last weekend, we asked if we could come to visit you, and he agreed.” I tell her and Hana begins working the shampoo into her hair.

Tears begin to slide down Layan’s cheeks. She looks down and Hana looks up at me worried.

“What is it, sweet girl?” I ask her gently.

“I can’t sleep. You said we’re having a pajama party, but I can’t sleep. Every time I do, the nightmares come….”

“If you can’t sleep, we’ll stay awake with you.” Hana says to her, coaxing her head back up so she can continue washing it.

Annabel comes in, carrying a set of fluffy pajamas with baby ducks on them.

Layan looks at them a moment before turning away. “Those are for children. I’m not a child anymore.” She says quietly.

“Who says they’re for children?” Annabel says. “The ones I brought have bunnies on them.” She says, coming to sit on the other side of the tub, and grabbing the body wash.

“Really?” She asks before turning to me.

“What about yours?” She asks.

I roll my eyes. “Mason said he didn’t want me forgetting him, so he got me pajamas that has wolves all over it.”

She giggles at that, but only for a second, as if the sound is foreign. and unwelcome.

“Mine have kittens on them.” Hana says as Mignon walks in.


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