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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 128

The Council Chapter 35. Jara
After the Alpha Quinton offered to send us his best tracker and Mason accepted, we agreed to end the meeting, reconvening next weekend or before if things escalate between our alliance and Gunnar’s alliance.
When we’re done, Mason tells Elijah to get some warriors ready to send to Alpha Luke’s pack, and we head to the pack hospital.
When we arrive, Dr. Johns is waiting for us. “Hello again, Luna. I’d like to do an ultrasound and see how far along you are, if possible. We’ll also take some bloodwork and get some measurements today.”
He leaves the room and I put on the gown before getting on the hospital bed. When he comes back, he rolls in a machine.
“Alpha, Luna, this is an ultrasound machine. It will let us see images of your pup and it will give me an idea of how far along you are.”
He finishes getting the machine started before looking at Mason. “Alpha, this requires your mate to bare her stomach and for me to be in close proximity to her and your pup while she’s in this limited state of undress. This is part of the procedure. I have no ill intentions with your mate or your pup.” He says, looking at Mason.
Mason nods, frowning a bit. I’m not sure why the doctor felt the need to tell him that. We’re here, after all, because Mason insisted.
However, the moment the doctor pulls the gown open, exposing my stomach, Mason’s possessive snarl rips through the room. Dr. Johns stops, holding very still watching Mason.
I put my hand on his arm, trying to calm him. “Mason, Dr. Johns told you this was necessary.”
Mason blinks and looks from me to Dr. Johns. “My apologies. I’m not sure what just happened.” He says.
Dr. Johns doesn’t move. “It’s in the medical books. I have never seen it, but I’m glad I followed procedure. It states that when a she-wolf is pregnant, her mate becomes extremely possessive and protective of her and their unborn pup. It warned doctors to inform the male before touching his mate. It was very clear that Alphas, in particular, have been known to severely injure of even kill doctors who don’t warn them of the need to touch their pregnant mates.”
“Mason, we want to see our pup. Dr. Johns isn’t going to hurt us.” I say. I can see the battle that he’s having, fighting his instinct to protect me from this unmated male who is touching his mate’s stomach right where our pup is growing. Not only that, but my stomach is bare to him. It may not be rational, but Mason’s instinct to protect is very strong.
I reach out, taking his hand in mine. “Let’s let Dr. Johns show us our pup.”
He grits his teeth, turning to Dr. Johns and nodding. I’m not sure he could get words out right now his teeth are clenched so hard.
Dr. Johns watches Mason for another moment before proceeding. “I will explain everything that I’m doing while I’m doing it. That way you can understand the process a bit more.” He says, putting some goo on my stomach.
“This is to help the ultrasound wand move more easily over your mate’s stomach.” He says.
“You know his mate is right here and can hear you.” I say and my aggravated tone lets Dr. Johns know that I’m not happy being
talked about as if I’m not here.
“My apologies, Luna. I was thinking of saving my own hide.”
“Apology accepted.” I say. Mason’s aura, even though he’s allowing this is still potent.
Dr. Johns turns the screen toward us as he begins moving the wand over my still-flat stomach.
As he moves it, I’m watching the screen not seeing anything that makes any sense. I know Mason is struggling as well because he begins watching the doctor’s face instead.
“What is it? Is my pup okay? What’s wrong?” Mason asks in rapid. succession. And I look up at the doctor to see him frowning.
“Nothing’s wrong.” He says distracted, clicking a button on the machine.
“Luna, how long have you known you were pregnant?” He asks, turning to me.
I can feel my face heating a bit. Technically, I haven’t known for long.
“I took the test over the weekend.” I say, but I can tell that even the doctor knows I’m hiding something.
“Jara?” Mason asks.
I look at Mason before looking at Dr. Johns. “Hana noticed the signs over a week ago. I was afraid of a negative result, so I put off the test until she pushed me to take it this past weekend.”
“Well, that explains it.” Dr. Johns says, looking back at the machine.
“Explains what? What’s going on?” Mason asks, and I can tell that he is also feeling completely lost with this conversation and his concern for me and our pup is rising quickly.
“Your mate is a bit farther along than I was expecting.”
“Farther along? How far along? What do you mean?” Mason asks.
Dr. Johns looks at me. “You would have figured it out very quickly if you hadn’t taken the test this weekend, Luna. I couldn’t say for sure without seeing her medical records, but I’d say you’re at least. as far along as Luna Hana, possibly even further along than she is. Based on the size of this pup, I’d say you and our Alpha created this little one within a couple days of your claiming.”
“What?” We both ask, looking at each other.
“Yep. I wasn’t expecting to be able to tell you, but did you want to know the gender of your little one?” Dr. Johns asks, looking at us.
“Yes.” I say, my voice choking with the tears that I feel pooling in my eyes.
“Congratulations Alpha, Luna. You’re having a little girl.”
Mason’s face nearly c*acks his smile is so big.
Dr. Johns leaves us, giving us time to cry our happy tears together. Mason tells me over and over how amazing he thinks I am.
A little girl! We’re having a little girl! Dr. Johns told us that my scent will start changing any day now. Because we’re having a girl, my scent should increase. Mason was thrilled to hear that.
He helps me get cleaned up but before helping me off the bed, he leans down sniffing my stomach where the doctor said our little girl is currently residing. He sniffed and sniffed until he said he
The Council Chapter 35 Jara
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finally caught just a hint of stronger scent of nutmeg, proudly claiming that he’d found our little girl.
He let me get up and began helping me to get dressed.
“Mason, I’m pregnant, not an invalid. I can put my own clothes on.”
“Shhh, I’m practicing for when your stomach is so big that you can’ t see your feet.” He tells me, practically bouncing around in his excitement.
As we leave, Dr. Johns gives us a picture of our daughter. I still can’t tell what I’m looking at, but Mason doesn’t care. He says as long as we know it’s her, he’s framing it and putting it on our wall.
When we get back to the pack, everyone is coming in for dinner and I know he’s bursting at the seams to tell them our good news.
He gives me a huge grin and I just shake my head at him before he pulls me to the front of the room.
“Attention everyone! I promised to keep all of you updated on the status of our Luna’s pregnancy and I have an update.”
The room goes quiet. He turns, looking at me with so much love in his eyes. “Our Luna has apparently been holding out on all of us, because the doctor was able to tell us today what the gender our pup is.” He turns to look at our pack and I can feel the excitement spreading like wildfire in the room.
“Did you want me to tell you?” He asks, teasing our pack.
As expected, they all start speaking at once, insisting Mason hurry up and tell them.
“We’re having a little girl.” He doesn’t get any further as the room erupts into booming cheers and the pack swarms us, everyone
wanting to congratulate and hug me and their future pack
The Council Chapter 36. Mason
Quinton’s tracker, Ira, arrived the next day. I went with him to show him where we’d found Typhon’s trail and his den. He began tracking Typhon but even I could tell something was wrong. After a day, we called it and headed back to the pack.
“I’m sorry, Alpha. I’ve never seen or smelled anything like it. It’s like he’s all over the place, doubling back on himself, crossing his lines. I’d say it’s to throw someone like me off this trail, but there’s nothing organized about it. It’s chaotic, disjointed. I’m happy to continue trying, if you’d like. I’ve never had someone evade me before, so honestly, I’m a bit offended that this guy is doing such a good job of it.” He told me.
“When you say it’s chaotic, what do you mean?” I ask.
“It’s just….like it’s not intentional. Like he can’t figure out where he wants to go.” He sighs, running his hands through his hair. “I know that doesn’t make any sense.” He says.
“Actually, it might. Elder Jason is arriving tomorrow, and I’ve asked him to pull information on feral-fever and the claiming haze. I’m wondering if Typhon hasn’t fallen victim to both of them.”
Ira frowns. “But shouldn’t he have come out of the claiming haze by now?”
“He should have, but what if it mixed with his feral-fever?” Now it’s my turn to run my fingers through my hair in frustration. “I honestly don’t know the answer, I’m guessing here too. But his behavior isn’ t normal, and he seems almost fixated on Jara.”
“Like I said, Alpha, I’m happy to stay on for a couple more days, if
you’re willing to see if I can pick anything up.”
“I’d appreciate it.” I say before turning off and heading to my room. I’ve been away all day and want to check in on Jara.
Before I can get to the stairs, Elijah comes up to me. “Alpha, do you have a minute?”
“Is it important? I want to check on Jara.”
“It is, but you can meet me in my office after you check on her. Luna went to bed early, she said she was tired.”
That stops me. “What did she do today that wore her out?” I ask.
He grimaces. “Apparently, Luna Jara and Luna Hana have been planning how to infiltrate Alpha Emanual’s pack to get to the she- wolves.”
I should have known. I look back at Elijah. “I don’t have to tell you that if she tries to go to one of those packs and I’m not here to stop her, that it’s your job to stop her, do I?”
“No, I won’t let her put herself or your pup in danger.”
I nod. “I’ll meet you in your office in a moment.”
I go upstairs and walk into our bedroom, smelling my mate’s sweet cream scent. I see her tucked into bed, so I walk over, leaning down and kissing her head.
She mumbles, half asleep. “Are you coming to bed?”
“Soon, my love. I just wanted to check on you and our little girl.” It brings a smile to her face, but her eyes never open.
“Okay. We’re good.”
“I’ll be back in a bit.” I say, making sure the blanket is tucked up around her. I check to see that she has her c*ack*rs and water by the nightstand for tomorrow morning before heading back down to meet with Elijah.
I knock on the door jamb as I step into his office. “What’s up?” I ask.
“I’m guessing you haven’t spoken to Alpha Luke today?” He asks.
I sit across from him, crossing one leg over the other knee. “No, I’ ve been with Quinton’s tracker all day.”
“Did he find anything?” Elijah asks.
“No, but he’s willing to stay a couple more days. I’m going to call Quinton after this to make sure he’s okay with that.”
Elijah nods. “So, Alpha Luke called today. It seems that Alpha Shawn pulled all his men from around his pack.”
I frown. “All of them?”
“Yeah. Alpha Luke said he’s sent out dozens of patrols to double and triple check since he was concerned about a sneak attack to try and take the G*mmas back, and they’ve all come back saying there is no trace of them anywhere.”
I stand, starting to pace the room. “What does Alpha Luke think is the reason for their retreat?” I ask.
“He’s not sure. And Alpha Zaire called to say that the warriors from Alpha Conrad’s pack, the ones that followed the she-wolves to his territory, also seem to have retreated.”
“That doesn’t make any sense. Why would they have retreated?”
“I don’t know Alpha, but I wanted you to have the information as soon as possible. They must be up to something.”
“Agreed.” I say, picking up the phone and dialing Seth.
“Mason, you saw it?”
“Saw what?”
“You didn’t see the email that just came through?”
“What email? I’m calling because I just heard from Elijah about the retreat of Alpha Shawn’s and Alpha Conrad’s warriors.”
I see Elijah is quickly logging in to get the email.
“Oh s*it.” He says, sitting back.
“Hang on, Elijah just pulled it up.”
I snarl as I read.
‘This notice is to inform all packs of a change in the law. Any pack that takes in a she-wolf from another pack will be considered an enemy of the werewolf community. Any action from a pack to forcibly remove a she-wolf from her pack will be considered an act of war. Packs will have singular authority over their she-wolves to provide their care as they deem fit.
Any pack that is currently housing a she-wolf from another pack has three days from the date of this notice to return those she- wolves to their rightful pack, or it will be considered an act of aggression against the council and the werewolf community.
Any act of aggression against the council and werewolf community is considered an act of war which will be dealt with swiftly.’
It is signed by Alpha Gunnar and every Elder except Jason.
“This cannot stand.” I snarl into the phone, still talking to Seth.
“I’m calling an emergency alliance meeting tonight. We need to be prepared for an attack, specifically on Luke and Zaire’s packs.”
“Agreed. Call the meeting, we need to plan, as an alliance, how to protect those she-wolves, but we also need a plan to attack Alpha Emanual’s pack. You know he’s keeping those she-wolves hostage.”
“Yeah. I’ll get the call set up.”
I hang up the phone and almost immediately, it rings again.
“Alpha Mason.” I say, picking up the phone, expecting it to be Gunnar, touting his perceived win. Instead, I get a surprise.
“Alpha Mason, this is Alpha Jonas. I was wondering if perhaps you could shed some light on the recent email we received, why it appears that Elder Jason is no longer part of the council and why Alpha Gunnar now considers himself equal to an Elder.”
“Alpha Jonas. I think it’s time for you to pick a side.”
The Council Chapter 37: Jara
Mason had come to bed late. He had curled up around me, his hand protectively resting on my stomach. When I woke this morning, he was already gone, his side of the bed cool to the touch.
I get up, and shower, ready to start the day. I had thought that my fatigue had come from spending so much time with Layan, but now I realize it’s because I’m pregnant. If Dr. Johns is correct, I’m about 3 weeks into a 5-month pregnancy. That means, I have a whole lot of fatigue ahead of me.
When I leave my room, Lewis is standing by the door, waiting for
“Good morning, Lewis.” I say. True to his word, Mason has put a round-the-clock guard on me. During the day, if he’s not around, I notice that there are two guards. One is much more subtle than the other, but I know that he’s assigned two to watch me at all times. I don’t argue, knowing that he needs this to help him feel that I’m safe. And with the threat of Typhon still out there, why take the risk?
Before I even get to the dining room, I can feel the tension in the pack. When I arrive, the dining hall is considerably more quiet than it usually is and I see Mason, Elijah and Joe sitting with their heads together, looking over some documents.
“What’s going on?” I ask, walking up to the group.
“Jara.” Mason stands, coming around the table to pull me into a hug. His smile makes me feel a bit better, but I still see the anxious lines pinching the sides of his eyes.
“Have a seat, I’ll get you some food. What are you hungry for?”
“Just toast, dry.” I say.
When Mason comes back with my toast, he sits down opposite me and tells me about the email that came through last night.
“We sent warriors last night to both packs, as well as some extras to Davis and Quinton’s packs since there’s are smaller and they both have she-wolves. I’ve had the warriors stay in touch and let us know if they see anything on their way to the other packs. We have a follow up meeting this morning with the alliance to create a larger plan of action. I’ve doubled patrols, even though they were already heavier than usual because of the threat of Typhon attacking.” Mason looks at me intently.
“Jara, I don’t want you leaving the packhouse. If you feel the need for fresh air, please stay close to the house so you can get inside and safe if we’re attacked. I’ll be putting two guards on you full- time.” He says to me.
I raise I eyebrow at him and he smirks at me. “Okay, I’m going to make the two guards that I have on your full-time already, more official and public. No one and nothing is getting to my girls.”
“I want to sit in on the call.” I tell him.
“Fine. We’ll be talking about the she-wolves in Alpha Emanuel’s pack anyway, and I heard that you and Hana were already thinking of ways to get them out.”
“Mom, too.” I tell him. The three of us had talked about it after hearing G*mma Kira say that she knew they not only have adult she-wolves in that pack, but also at least one juvenile she-wolf.
“You know it’s too dangerous for you to go into that pack now, right Jara?” Mason asks me as we head to his office for the
alliance call.
“Mason, someone has to. If that environment is as bad as we think, they will be terrified. They’ll need someone that they can trust, someone who is not a man.” She says.
“Then we’ll find someone who is not pregnant, Jara. It’s too risky.” He says to me.
Elder Jason arrives just before the meeting is scheduled to begin. The three of us dial into the alliance call. Elijah joins us and my guards wait outside. I’m surprised when, not only is Alpha Saul on the call, but also Alpha Jonas.
“Hello everyone, thanks for joining the call today.” Seth begins. “Welcome Alpha Saul and Alpha Jonas. I know that neither of you have agreed to an alliance yet, but we appreciate you taking the time to hear what we have to say.”
“After that statement came out yesterday, eliminating my Elder from the council without any notification to myself or him, I have every intention of joining this alliance.” Alpha Saul says.
“Thank you, Alpha. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have after the call.” Alpha Antonio says. He has been in charge of the contracts for the alliance since the beginning.
“First, Alpha Luke, did your reinforcements arrive?”
“They did, and to my knowledge, they only saw movement between Alpha Gunnar and Alpha Emanuel’s pack.” Luke says.
“Alpha Gunnar is sending men to Alpha Emanuel’s pack?” Davis asks.
“Correct. I believe it is to ensure that we do not take Alpha Emanuel’s she-wolves.”
“Why would you?” Alpha Jonas asks.
I’m about to respond, but my mother jumps in. I can hear a chair scraping against the floor in Alpha Luke’s office. I’m guessing he’s giving my mother room to speak.
“Alpha Jonas, is it?” She asks.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“My name is Nina Lykos. I’m the mother of Seth and Jara and previous Luna to the Silvercrest Pack. You may not know me, but I’ ve been a Luna, a mother, a mother who lost her child to the claiming process and that b*stard Typhon who is still after my other daughter, and now I’m helping this new generation of Lunas change the old, archaic ways of our kind in an attempt to keep us from going extinct.”
“I would be very pleased to make your acquaintance someday, Luna Nina.” A woman’s voice I’ve never heard comes across the phone. Her melodious voice is thick with her accent, but even through the phone she sounds like a s*xy she-wolf.
“Everyone this is Isabella. She is a she-wolf in our pack, a warrior. She has two of her own daughters, one of whom will be of age for next year’s claiming.” Alpha Jonas says.
“It’s nice to meet you, Isabella. I hope that one day soon, I can meet you in person.” Mom says to her.

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