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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 131

The Council Chapter 38. Jara


“Now, back to your question, Alpha Jonas, it’s because those Alphas are mistreating their she-wolves.” Mom goes on to explain what has been happening, how Gamma Kira rejected her mate and how another she-wolf ran with her pup to Alpha Zaire’s pack lands.

“So, what he said during the council, that wasn’t conceptual, it was already in practice?” Jonas asks.

“Yes, and according to Gamma Kira, it was only going to get worse.” My mother states.

It’s quiet for a moment. “Please continue.” Alpha Jonas says.

“The council has made decisions based on a few, not the majority. It was only a couple of weeks ago that we were all together and voted for the new laws. I don’t know what the rest of you think, but if the council does not work for the majority of us, then the council does not work for me.” Seth says.

“I will not be ruled by someone who thinks that he can come in and overthrow our ways just because he doesn’t agree with them. Alpha Gunnar very clearly told me that he is in charge and he makes the decisions for the council now. I am with Seth. If the council is being run by a tyrant, then I refuse to acknowledge them as the leaders of me and my pack.” Mason agrees with Seth.

Alphas Asher, Antonio, Davis, Quinton and Zaire all agree.

“What do you propose? We cannot all live independently of each other and still have uniformity in things like the annual claiming.” Alpha Saul says.

“And having an alliance is great, but if my rules and your rules don’ t align, does that mean that we are no longer in an alliance and are now at odds?” Alpha Jonas asks.

I look at Mason, and he winks at me. He already has a plan for this. Of course he does.

“Seth and I had a few moments to discuss this. We have an idea and I will clarify that no one other than the two of us have heard this proposal yet.” Mason says, looking at Elder Jason.

“We propose to the group that Elder Jason create a new council. One from our packs, one that will provide oversight and ensure that our rules are followed. One that will also help us create laws to protect our she-wolves and ensure the continuation of our species.” Mason says.

I’m not sure what he sees on my face. Love? Awe? Appreciation? Whatever it is, he smiles at me before kissing my nose.

I turn and look at Elder Jason. “Elder, what do you say?” I ask.

“I….well, I’m honored, but I’ve never created a council.” He says.

“Oh, fooey. You’ll be perfect at it and if this group recognizes that about you too, then I’m in the alliance.” Alpha Saul says. I swear I hear a soft ‘finally’ in the background.

I look at Mason and he’s smiling. He heard it too.

“Sounds like Tessa is glad you finally figured it out.” Alpha Zaire says, chuckling.

“What about the other she-wolves?” Asher asks.

“We need to at least know that they are safe and being well-cared for.” I say.

“You’re not going, Jara. It’s too dangerous. I’m not risking you and our pup.” Mason says firmly.


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