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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 136

The Council Chapter 43. Mason


We begin crawling our way through the area, careful to stay near where there are already holes from the mines blowing up. When we get to a place where there are no holes, we toss more rocks until we find the mine. It draws their attention to the general area where we are, but if we don’t get across, this effort will have been in vain.

I hear some of the warriors behind me crying out as they get hit with a bullet, but Seth and I push on. When we finally get to the other edge, we jump up and start attacking Emanuel’s warriors.

I throw one into the mine field and his weight must set it off because his body explodes, blood and guts going everywhere. I see the fear on the next warrior’s face, but I don’t hesitate. I throw him into the mine field too. He screams stop when he lands, unharmed, but a moment later, our men attack and kill him.

Our pack members start pouring out of the mine field and quickly, the pack is overwhelmed. Even with the guns, they are no match for the number of warriors we brought.

I grab a man by his shirt collar, lifting him off the ground.

“Please, please don’t kill me. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

I lift him so he is face to face with me. “Where are the she-wolves?” I

snarl at him.

“In the packhouse.”

“Where in the packhouse?” Seth says, coming over to stand beside me.

“Alpha’s quarters.”

“Top floor?” Jonas asks, coming out of the mine field, carefully keeping Isabella behind him. The warrior’s eyes go wide when he sees her.

“Yes.” He says, while nodding, his eyes not leaving Isabella. When Jonas sees the lascivious looks that this man is giving Isabella, he snarls, startling the man’s attention back to me.

“Stay here. Don’t move and we’ll see about letting you live.” I tell him, setting him back down on the ground.

I’ve only taken two steps when I hear a gurgling sound behind me. I whip around to see a warrior holding Emanuel’s warrior’s hand. In his hand, he has a knife that is now lodged in his throat.

“Alpha didn’t say to stab him in the back, did he?” Our warrior growls, releasing the man as he drops to the ground dead.

I turn back to the packhouse, barking orders as I go. “Surround the packhouse. We need someone at every entrance.”

Jonas is barking his own orders. “Protect Isabella. She will get the she- wolves out, we’ll need a protective wall to make sure they are protected and that no one tries to take them.” He says.

When we get to the packhouse, there are more warriors inside. Seth and I immediately begin attacking them while Jonas gets Isabella past them and up the stairs with his group of warriors.

I’ve just taken out the last of Emanuel’s warriors when I hear screaming and yelling above me. I look up just in time to see Jonas toss Emanuel over the fourth floor banister to the floor at my feet.

“Have at him boys. The girls up here are in bad shape.” He says before turning back.

I look at Seth, who gives me a vicious smile. “Human or wolf?” He asks me, meaning which form do I want to kill him in.


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