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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 148

The Council Chapter 55 Jara


I haven’t spoken to Mason since he rejected me several weeks ago. If I’m honest with myself, I know it wasn’t a rejection, it was from a place of love that he told me no. I know that, somewhere in my mind, I know I’m being irrational, but it does nothing for my feelings of anger and hurt so I’ ve stayed away from him, choosing to sleep in Layan’s room every night instead of going to our room.

I’ve shut myself off from Mason. My grief is so overwhelming that I can’t handle any more. I know he’s hurting too, but I can’t be there for him. It’s just too much right now. The same is true for the pack. I know they are feeling grief for our loss, and I’ve shut myself off from them, not able to deal with more than my own pain. And so, I’ve stayed locked inside my own head.

I’ve avoided everyone, everyone except Layan and Isabella who refuse to let me ignore them. Or, if I refuse to speak, they sit with me, talking around me or sometimes, just sitting quietly with me. They’ve made sure that I eat and that I bathe. Otherwise, I go where they tell me, I sit where they tell me.

Tonight, as with every evening, I’m in a rocking chair on the back porch with a blanket over my lap, rocking gently in my chair looking out over the forest. Layan is on one side of me and Isabella on the other.

“Luna!” Melinda says, racing toward me.

“Melinda, no. Come back here. Leave Luna alone.” Brynn says, coming up behind her.

“I’m so sorry, Luna.” She says, taking Melinda’s hand and trying to pull

her away.

Melinda is having none of it. “No momma. I have a message for Luna. I have to give it to her, it’s important.” She says, fighting to pull her hand out of her mother’s grasp.

“Melinda, stop this. We’ve talked about this.” She says, picking Melinda

  1. up.

“Luna, please. It’s important.” Melinda says as Brynn begins to carry her


“It’s okay, Brynn.” I say, reaching my arms out for Melinda. She’s so insistent that whatever she feels the need to tell me is important to her.

Brynn puts her down and she rushes back to me. I help her crawl into my lap, and she takes my face in her small hands.

“I have a message from Luna Mila. She came to me in my dream to tell me and she said it was very important that I tell you. She made me promise. I‘ ve been trying to, but mom wouldn’t let me come see you.” She says, giving Brynn the side–eye.

I frown at her. “A message from Mila?” I ask.

“Mmhmm.” She says, nodding. Isabella is watching her closely and she leans forward.

“What did Mila look like in your dream, Melinda?” She asks, maybe wondering if Melinda has heard my sister’s name before and had a dream about her.

“She’s beautiful, like Luna Jara. Only her hair is a lighter brown, and her eyes are a light green color, not like Luna’s, which are brown.” She says, studying my face as if to make sure she gets it right.

Isabella looks at me and I nod. That’s exactly what my sister looked like.

“What did she say?” Layan asks, everyone’s attention riveted on Melinda


She looks me straight in my eyes. “She said to say thank you for sending her the baby she could never have. She said you don’t have to cry

anymore, Luna. She has baby Mena, that’s what she called her, and she will take care of her and raise her for you.”

My hand flies to my mouth. “What?” I whisper.

“She said they will both see you someday in the Moon Goddess’s realm, but your job is here. So, she will watch over your little girl as if she was her own, so you don’t have to be sad anymore. And she said she loves you and she’s very proud of you.”

I feel the hot sting of tears in my eyes. “She always wanted to name her daughter Mena. Did you see her? My little girl?” I ask her.

“Mmhmm. Luna Mila was holding her. She’s very pretty. She has your dark hair and Alpha’s grey eyes. Oh, and Warrior Lewis was there too. He said he’ll watch over them like he watched over you.”


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