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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 150

The Council Chapter 57. Jara


When we finally emerged from our room, I feel better. I still have sadness in my heart, but it’s healing and it’s time for me to start acting like the Luna that I am.

My first order of business was to call Mignon.

I video call her, happy to see her face when she picks up.


“Hey Mignon. How are you. I hear you have a sweet little girl that I need to meet.”

Her smile widens and she looks over her shoulder. It looks like she’s in her bedroom. She turns back, narrowing her eyes at me.

“How are you? I wanted to come visit, but Mason didn’t think it was a good idea.”

“Mason was right, but I’m starting to feel better now. So, do I get to meet your little one?”

Her smile lights up her whole face. “Yes.”

She turns. “Ash, bring Gianna over so Jara can meet her.”

A moment later, I see Asher’s strong arms and inside of them is a small baby. The baby probably isn’t as small as she looks, but Asher is huge, and dwarfs his little girl.

“Hey Luna, how are you doing?” He asks me as he leans down.

“I’m good, Asher. Thank you. So, this little one is named Gianna?” I ask.

“Yes. Asher said since she looked like him that I could name her.” Mignon says, leaning her face against Asher’s arm, looking at her daughter with a look of total love and adoration.

THE GUchers.

“Yeah, no mistaking that light brown hair as yours.” I say to her. Mignon‘ s hair is a rich dark brown and their daughter’s is the light curly brown of Asher’s.

“I think she got his green eyes too.” Mignon pouts.

“Then we’ll just have to have another one that looks like you, Baby Girl.” Asher says, kissing Mignon’s temple.

She blushes. “Okay.”

I chuckle. “I’ll set up a time soon so I can come see you and hold baby Gianna.” I tell them.

“We would love that.” Mignon says.

“It’s good to see you up and moving again, Luna.” Asher says.

“Thank you, Asher. Give that baby a kiss for me.”

“Will do.” They say and I end the call.

Immediately, I video dial Hana. As soon as the phone connects, I see Seth, but I hear Hana in the background.

“Hand me the phone, Seth.”

He looks at me on the phone. “She’s so pushy now that she’s a mother.” I chuckle.

“How are you, sis?”

“I’m better, thanks.”

“Good, here, let me give you to Hana before she bursts something.” He says and the phone changes hands.

“Jara, how are you? I’ve been worried sick. After that one time we tried to visit, Mason told us to stay away. I’ve called him every day to check on you. It’s so good to hear from you.” She says and tears start falling down her cheeks.

“Hana.” I hear my brother say patiently. I see his thumbs as he wipes her eyes and then see his face as he kisses the top of her head.

“Sorry. First it was pregnancy hormones, now it’s the rapid decline of hormones that has me on edge. But I really have been so worried about you.”

“Is Seth still there?” I ask.

I see Hana’s body shift. She must be on their bed, and he must have sat down beside her. “I’m here.”

I tell them about Mila visiting Melinda in a dream.

“That’s so sweet.” Hana says and she’s crying again. I see Seth sigh before wrapping his arm around her.

“So that’s why I’m doing better and now I want to see my niece.” I tell her.

She wipes her cheeks with one hand. “Well, she’s eating. She has her father’s appetite, that’s for sure.” I hear Seth chuckling in the background.


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