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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 155

Part Layan’s Retum Chapter 1: Layan

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I’m running through the forest. I can hear him behind me, hear his paws hitting the earth, feel his hot breath on my neck as I run. I don’t want him to claim me, not him. He scares me.

I’d been hiding and another wolf flushed me out. When I started to run, the wolf had immediately given chase, howling his excitement to the sky It had only taken a moment for the Alpha to run him down. I had turned. just for a moment, to see the Alpha tackle him, taking his neck in his jaws. I heard the yelp of the weaker wolf and then the sickening snap of

his neck.

I’m running as hard as I can, but he is faster than I am. My only bit of hope is that he’s still in wolf form. They can’t claim you if they aren’t in the same form you are, and I’m still in my human form. However. I know that if I give him even a moment, he’ll shift and overtake me, so I run. I run until I can’t get enough air in my lungs, tears streaming down my


He tackles me from behind and I scream. He has me pinned, but he can’t claim me, he’s still in wolf form. A moment after the thought goes through my head, I feel his teeth sink into my neck as he thrusts his pelvis between my legs, and I feel the sharp tearing of my body as he penetrates

I wake up screaming. I’m tangled in my sheets, panting, sweat covering my body and tears streaming down my face. My mother comes rushing into my bedroom, wrapping me in her embrace and rocking me.

“Breathe my sweet girl. Breathe. Follow my breaths.” She says, as she takes my face in her hands and forces me to look at her. She slowly breaths in, her eyes never leaving mine. I try. I try to follow her breaths, but I can’t. It’s still so fresh in my mind, still so painful.

12:00 D

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Alpha Davis comes rushing into the room. “Layan. What happened?”

“Just a dream, Alpha.” My mother tells him, never taking her eyes off of me. “We just need to get her to breathe so she doesn’t pass out.”

I’m hyperventilating, I know I am, but I can’t stop. I can’t seem to pull enough air into my lungs.

Alpha Davis comes over to me, and my mother sits back. I have become more comfortable with him over the past several months. He has always been kind and patient with me.

He replaces my mother’s hands with his own. “Look at me, Layan. You’re safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Breathe with me.” He says, taking a deep breath.

I try to follow his breath, but I don’t get very far. “Good. Do it again.” He says patiently, taking another breath. He continues this until I finally get my breathing under control and my heart rate back to normal.

“There you go.” He says, releasing my face. He looks at me a moment.

“Is this about the meeting today?”

I nod. Today is the day that I have to face the council. I know they want me to go back into the claiming, and I know I’m stronger than I was nearly a year ago when I came out, but every time I think about going back in there, I’m terrified. I can’t breathe and I feel like the world starts to go


Luna Tessa says it’s a panic attack. She has given me some breathing exercises to do when I start to have one, which is what my mother and Alpha Davis were helping me with. Tessa has also told me that I can focus on something positive, something that will help ground me, so I don’t get lost in the panic. Thankfully, I have more and more positive things to think of, including several of the people that will be with me at the council meeting today.

“We’ll all be there with you, Layan. You won’t be alone. All the Lunas are coming, even Jara.” He chuckles. “Mason isn’t happy about it. He says she’s as big as a house, but don’t tell her that.” He says, conspiratorially, giving me a small smile.


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