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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 161

Layan’s Retum Chapter 6 Mason


This year’s assessment seems to be much more intense than any of the years I remember before. The assessor told me Elijah looked like shit when he came out of his assessment. I didn’t even see him. I’ve been so busy taking care of the others and keeping an eye on Jara, that I haven’t had a minute to go check on him.

When Layan shows up in our pack lands, saying she knew Elijah needed her. I know it isn’t just us. When I have a moment, after sending Jara up to our room to lay down. I call Seth.

“Is it me or is this year’s assessment worse than usual?” I ask.

“I thought it was just me. This is terrible. My pack members are wrecked. Hana wants to help, but I keep having to tell her to take breaks.”

I tell him about Layan showing up in my pack and what she told me about the assessors using her in Alpha Davis’s and most likely Elijah’s


“So. they know us better, since we’ve become a closer-knit community. They know how to push our pack members to the extreme.” Seth says.

“Yes, but it doesn’t seem like it’s intentionally cruel, although it probably feels like it to them. It feels like they are making sure that these men have control over themselves to ensure that no one gets killed this year and that we don’t have a repeat of last year.”

“I agree. But between you and me, I’m glad I’m not going through assessment this year.

“I couldn’t agree more.” I say before hanging up.

Thankfully, Jara slept the rest of the afternoon and the assessments finished for the day before she woke up. When she did, we went to the pack hospital to check her pulse, the babies’ heart rates, anything and everything the doctor felt was necessary. After hearing that momma and babies were healthy, I agreed that she could help again tomorrow, with the same parameters in place.

As we walk back to the packhouse, well, I’m walking, she’s waddling in her cute way. I give her the information that I’ve been waiting to drop on her, knowing she’ll be excited.

“So, Layan is still here, in Elijah’s room. Has been all day.”

She turns to me. “Get out!” She thinks for a minute. “All day?”

“Mmhmm, and I know Elijah is awake because I saw the omegas taking a couple trays of food upstairs.”

“What do you think they’re doing?” She asks me, slyly

“I’m sure they’re just talking. Catching up on old times.” I say, smiling.

“You mean, like you and I used to talk” she puts her fingers up in air quotes, “when you’d walk me back to the female housing during my claiming.”

“Hey, we talked a lot on those walks.” I said.

“Mmhmm, and sometimes we didn’t.” She says, turning and lifting her head for a kiss. I may have to lean over her belly now to kiss her properly, but I’ll take every opportunity possible to kiss my mate.

I pull away, about to suggest that we re-enact one of those moments, when I see Jace sneaking out of the packhouse, heading to the forest.

Jara must catch the change in my mood because she turns to look in the direction I’m looking.

“Where’s he going?” She asks.

“I’m not sure. Luke says he’s been sneaking off at night. He’s tried to talk to him about it, but Jace won’t talk.”

We watch him sneaking through the forest trees for a moment.

“You should go to him. Maybe he’ll talk to you as his Alpha. Things are still pretty tenuous between Jace, Luke and Brynn.

“I’ll take you back to the packhouse, then I’ll go see what he’s up to.” I tell her, not willing to let her walk alone, even a short distance.

Once we get inside, she takes my hands. “Go, I’m fine. I’m going to see what I can find out about Layan and Elijah.” She says, a mischievous look in her eye.

I shake my head at her before kissing her nose and jogging out the back of the packhouse.

I lift my nose in the air and pick up his scent. I begin to follow behind him at a leisurely pace. I know he’s not leaving the pack, I just want to make sure that he’s okay. He’s pretty young to have to deal with the loss of both of his parents, but I still don’t like him out here by himself at night.

I find him out in the forest, picking something up off the ground.

“Jace.” I say quietly and even though I tried not to startle him, he jumps up, putting his hands behind his back.

“Alpha.” He says, looking guilty. Of what, I can’t even imagine.

“What are you doing out here by yourself after dark?” I ask him, slowly approaching him.

“Nothing.” He says, looking down. A sure sign that he’s hiding


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