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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 165

Chapter 10. Elijah


Today is the day. I’m heading back to The Claiming. This year, I need to make sure that I catch my mate. I know, without a doubt that my biggest competition will be Alpha Davis. He’s shown that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to be a good mate to Layan. I’m not sure he loves her like I do, but he would do right by her. And she’d be a Luna. I should want that for her, but I don’t. Selfishly, I want her with me, by my side.

I want to see our children with her blond hair and my curls, a mix of her hazel eyes and my pale green eyes, her sweet, gentle nature and my strength. I know it’s a big dream, one that may never come true, but I see it in my dreams, and I want those dreams to become my reality.

I pack my bag, knowing that if I don’t catch Layan, that I can’t continue on. There will be no one else for me but her. I haven’t said anything to Mason or Jara. I’m not sure how they would respond, but if Alpha Davis or anyone else claims Layan, I won’t be coming home.

I’m glad to know that Gamma Luke is a Beta by blood. Mason could easily replace me with him.

And, if I’m being honest with myself, I know it won’t be that easy. I’ m more than Mason’s Beta. I’m his friend. We’ve been through some terrible times together. This time, however, it’s all me. He has his mate, his twins, his life. It’s time for me to try and get mine

What was originally going to be about 300 males, has become closer to 400 with the assessments being passed by every single male. I can only be thankful that Layan isn’t an Alpha or Beta. Her clajm.will.be limited. Even McKenna and Katerina’s claims will be

to 50. They will each have to choose their 50 claimants, just like Layan will have to choose her ten.

All of them will have to have a substitute, in case someone in their claim catches the person before them. And I’m aware that with McKenna being a Gamma and Katerina, while classified as a warrior, is actually of Alpha blood, most of the claimants will want one of them. Layan is a true omega. Not only that, while no one. says it, everyone knows what happened to her. I was shocked to hear that all of the Alphas wanted to enter her claim. It won’t matter. She’s mine and I’ll do whatever it takes to claim her.

I grab my bag and head downstairs. “Hey Elijah, are you driving with Mason and Jara?” Luke asks me.

I frown at him. “First of all, spending hours in a car with two babies sounds like a prison sentence. Second, if I claim Layan, I’m not driving back with them and her in the same car. So, no. I’m driving separately. Do you need anything from me before I head out?”

Luke and Brynn are in charge of the pack while we’re gone.

“Beta Elijah!” Melinda comes running up, arms out. I scoop her up and hug her close.

“Now, if I was going to be in a car for hours with this little miss, I’d have to reconsider.” I say, tickling her until she screams loudly. Jace comes running from another room to make sure she’s okay.

“No worries, Jace. She’s just being Melinda.” He nods and turns to leave again.

“Hey, Jace.” I say, nodding my head for him to join me. I hand Melinda to Luke and step aside, squatting down so I can look Jace in the eye.

“You know that Alpha Mason, Luna Jara and I are all leaving, right.”

“Yes, Beta.” He says, looking at the ground.

“And, as the son of the Gamma, it is your job to help protect the pack. Can I count on you, Jace?” I ask him. I knows he’s struggling, but I also think that having a purpose will help him.

He nods, the hint of a smile on his lips. “Yes, Beta.”

“Good! And keep an eye on your sister. She’s trouble waiting to happen.”


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