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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 168

Layans Retum Chapter 13: Davis

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I like Elijah, I really do, but I’m about ready to punch him in his boy-next- door face. I’ve been clear that I want Layan. I know she has feelings for Elijah, but she has feelings for me too. Maybe those feelings aren’t as strong for me as they are for Elijah, but that’s because I haven’t had as much time with her.

I had put my name in for her lottery last year, but I wasn’t chosen. Like everyone else, I had watched the horror unfold when she came out of the territory. I’ll admit, to myself at least, that I had the same thought as every other male last year, that she was damaged. What kind of Luna would she make after what happened to her?

Then, I got to know her. I got to know her sweet, gentle nature. I realized that her strength may not be physical, but this woman has an inner strength that few have. So, yes, I want her to be my Luna. But, that doesn’ t mean that I’m willing to risk my chance with the other two.

McKenna is from Gamma blood and it’s obvious in the way she responds to those around her. I’ve never spent any time with her, but I intend to tonight. Just the way that she has her table laughing tells me that she would be a good addition to any pack. More importantly, she’d be a good Luna, someone the pack would feel comfortable with.

Then there is Katerina. Her father may have been a warrior, but Isabella comes from a long line of royal Alpha blood in Europe. Her bloodline alone makes her an impressive candidate. But add that to her confidence and strength, and she’s a perfect Luna.

I look back at Layan watching her talk to Jara. I shouldn’t want her as much as I do. But there is something about Layan, something that draws you in. And it’s not just me. Every eligible Alpha here is planning to court her. And that doesn’t include the Betas, Elijah for sure but also Jared,

Alpha Jonas’s brother. Both of them plan to be in her claiming as well, if she chooses them.

Tomorrow, we find out the order of the females going into the claiming territory. I don’t intend to exclude myself from any of the claimings, so I hope that Layan’s is first. That way, if I don’t claim her, I’d feel better about taking one of the others as a mate. If I can catch them.

As dinner comes to an end, they push the tables back, making room on the dance floor, and the music begins playing. I stand, looking at Layan. She looks up at me and smiles her sweet, beautiful smile. It’s hard not to respond in kind when she looks at you that way.

I walk around the table, my eyes never leaving hers. When I get to her chair, I give her a deep bow.

“May I have this dance, Layan?” I say, extending my hand to her.

“Yes, Alpha.” She says taking my hand. I pull her to stand in front of me.

“Davis. Please, call me Davis.”

I’m rewarded with her beautiful blush. “Yes, Davis.”

Now, it’s my turn to smile. I see that Luke has wasted no time is asking Katerina to dance. Jonas is asking McKenna.

I lead Layan onto the dance floor, and we begin moving in the simple steps that I taught her so that she would feel comfortable during the coming events. Several nights, there will be dancing, and I didn’t want her sitting out because she didn’t know how to dance.

I take her in my arms, pulling her close and we begin to slowly spin around the room. She and I have practiced so many times that it’s easy, familiar.

From the corner of my eye, I see Mason pull Jara onto the dance floor and

I see Asher dancing with Mignon. He has picked her up and is holding her against him, so that they are face to face as he moves around the dance floor.


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