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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 185

Layan’s Return Chapter 30: Katerina

I wake to the scent of chocolate peanut butter fudge. My mouth begins to water and my stomach grumbles. I know I should get up but I’m so comfortable and warm.

I lay there a moment more before reality returns and I try to leap out of bed. Strong arms hold me where I am.

“Where do you think you’re going, my little mate? I caught you, you’ re mine.”

I turn and look at Luke, my mate, over my shoulder. His warm brown eyes, like melted chocolate, are watching me. I bite my lower lip. This sexy man is mine, or he will be when I sink my canines into his marking spot.

I roll over, running my hand over his arm. His bare, very muscular arm. I feel something stirring in my gut.

“How long have we been asleep?” I ask him:

“Considering the run you gave me? Not long enough.”

I can’t help but laugh. I’m pretty proud of myself for outsmarting a group of fifty men, three of whom were Alphas.

He leans forward, kissing my nose. “So, you wanted it to be me, huh?” He asks.

“I did.” I shrug. “I feel comfortable with you. Safe, happy.”

“Good. You are safe and I want you to be comfortable around me, always. And your happiness is now my second greatest concern.”

I frown. “What’s your first greatest concern?”

“Feeding you. I have no intention of suffering the wrath of the Lunas because I didn’t feed one of their own when I claimed her.”

Now I laugh out loud. “Are you afraid of a few Lunas, Alpha?”

“Hell yeah I’m afraid of them. They are a force to be reckoned with and now you’re one of them. And Luke. I’m yours now, Katerina. Call me Luke. Please.” He says, caressing my face.

“What if I like calling you Alpha?” I ask, looking up at him through. my lashes.

A low rumbling growl vibrates in his chest. “I like it when you call me Alpha. It means something different when you say it now.”

I look at his marking spot, my finger grazing over it, making him shiver. I look up at him and smile.

“No distracting me. You need food, you need a shower and if, after that, you are ready to sink your teeth into me, then I will willingly give you access.”

I look up at him sharply. “You’ll expose your throat to me?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “You’re my mate, my Luna. There is nothing I won’t do for you. I wouldn’t expect you to submit to me, if I wasn’t willing to submit to you.”

This is unexpected.

“Mind you, that will only happen when we’re alone. We have a large pack, one that I’ve only taken over in the last year. I don’t want to have to fight everyone in my pack because they see me submitting to you all the damn time.”

I smile, excited to test this out, see if he really means it.

“Will you submit to me now?” I ask, watching him carefully.

Without taking his eyes off of me, he slowly lifts his head, giving

Dividing into pages now

me full access to this throat.


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