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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 190

Layans Return Chapter 35. Elijah


On the morning of Layan’s claim, Mason joins me.

“I’d like you to reconsider. If things don’t go the way you hope…”

I’m already shaking my head before he finishes. “I can’t. And you, of all people, should understand that.”

He grits his teeth. “I do, but I don’t’ want to lose you. You’re a great Beta, and a better friend.”

“Then wish me luck.” I tell him.

His hand comes down on my shoulder. “Bring her home, Elijah.”

When the gun goes off, the others run into the territory. I walk in, taking my time. But as soon as I hit the forest line, I smell it, the scent trails. They are everywhere.

I close my eyes and smile. She did this for me. In one of our discussions, she asked me what I would have done with my life if I hadn’t been a Beta. I told her that my family had come from a long line of trackers. I can pretty much hunt anyone, anywhere. I’m not as good at is as some of my other family members, but I’m better than most.

I begin walking, take a deep breath, finding the strongest of the scents and I begin to follow it. Last year, there were 75 of us in the Hana’s claiming and nearly 200 in Jara’s. While I can track well, I don’t have the ability to track a scent that has been stomped over by multiple males, basically covering the female’s scent.

This year, that isn’t a problem. There are only nine other men in

Layan’s claiming, and they all went running for the lake and the


I follow the scent that leads me to the burned-out fire. I look around, seeing how she scorched the area. I wasn’t here last year, I didn’t see it happen, but I heard about it, like everyone else did.

I move around the firepit that she obviously made until I find where her scent is strongest. Then I squat down and look at the remains of the fire. This is where she stood last night, howling. This is why she sounded so fierce.

Others may have thought that Layan was weak, but I never did. The woman is amazing, capable of kindness to others, even when she’s afraid for herself. She has never let her fear overrule her desire to help others.

I’m proud of her. She took control of the past, burned it so there is nothing left but ashes. I hope it helped her find peace.

I stand, catching her scent again, and turning to find her. This isn’t a hunt. I refuse to hunt her, not after what she suffered here last year. I won’t be the reason that those memories, that horror comes back to her, especially now that she seems to have buried the past where it belongs, here in the claiming territory.

I’m amazed at how many scent trails she has created. This territory is large, large enough that I’ll be surprised if I run into any of her other claimants this week. I close my eyes again, taking a deep breath, finding the strongest scent and turning to follow it.

I follow her scent for three more days. I knew she’d be on the move, and she has been. Surprisingly, none of her other claimants have raised the howl of the hunt. It’s nearly as quiet in here as it was for Katerina’s claim. I wonder if that’s intentional. Layan hand- picked these men. All of them have been kind to her in one way or

another. All of them know what she suffered last year.

Tonight, I’m lying on the ground, looking at the sky. I’m not sure if she’s scared or feeling lonely, so I do what I’ve done every night. I howl, letting her know that I’m here.

She doesn’t respond. She can’t and I know it, but my howl is not about me. It’s about her knowing that I’m here for her.

I close my eyes and I swear I feel someone watching me. As I fall asleep, I hear her voice, soft and quiet in the night. ‘Goodnight, Elijah.’

The next day, I’m up again, searching for her. Her scent trails are getting more intricate each day. It’s almost as if she’s up all night. leaving trails and sleeping during the day.

But today, it’s time for me to find her. It’s time for her to make her decision. Today will be the turning point in my life. I will either walk out of here with my mate, or I will leave her and my pack forever.

Since I’ve been tracking her for days, I know which trails are a dead end. I’ve been strategically maneuvering myself to where her true hiding spot is. She’s almost exactly in the middle of the territory. All of her scent trails lead here.


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