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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 199

The Claiming by Cooper Book 3

Layan’s Return by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 43 (Epilogue 1)


It’s been a year since Elijah claimed me, an amazing, happy year. We’ve spent the time slowly getting to know each other, mentally and physically.

True to his word, Elijah has taken his time, letting me go at my pace when it comes to intimacy. I’ll admit, I had no idea there were so many ways to find pleasure without ever having actual penetration. But he and I explored them all, learning every possible way to make the other come undone.

When the time had finally come and I was ready to try to have him inside me, we had gone very slow. It had hurt.

Not as much as the first time, but I have enough scar tissue that it had hurt to have all of that broken up and stretched. I had cried and Elijah tried to stop several times, but I wanted this. I wanted to have everything with this man, so we pushed through. In the end, he had thrust into me quickly, breaking up some of my scar tissue and after the initial sting and throbbing subsided, Elijah took my body into a whole other world of pleasure.

After that first time, it had gotten easier and every time we were together, the pain was less and less until now, there is only pleasure, and I can’t get enough of my man. He loves it, always willing to oblige me when I tell him I need my dose of Elijah, which is pretty much every day.

The next big hurdle had come after Jace’s birthday party. They had announced that Brynn was pregnant again and the ache that I felt in that moment nearly brought me to my knees. I told Elijah that night that I wanted to try to have a baby.

We had gone to the pack hospital the next day and they ran all sorts of tests on me. Basically, there is no reason I can’t get pregnant or carry a baby to term with proper rest and increased medical monitoring than most women don’t need, but the biggest issue will be delivery. The doctor had asked about s*e*x. I told him that it had hurt at first but was better now. He indicated that having a natural delivery would be even harder for me, and that if the scar tissue didn’t give, we could risk the baby getting stuck in the birthing canal, or me tearing and hemorrhaging and bleeding out.

“So, you’re saying that Layan can’t have a baby?” Elijah had asked.

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. The humans have a procedure that is called a caesarean delivery, or C- Section. It would require me to numb your spinal column and then remove your child from your stomach, rather than having a natural childbirth.”

“What? No way! You’re not cutting into my mate!” Elijah had exclaimed. He had looked at me. “No way am I risking losing you, Layan. I only just got you. No!” He had been adamant.

“Elijah, if the humans can survive it, so can I.” I looked at the doctor. “Do you know how to do this procedure?”

“No, but I know someone that does. The pack doctor in Alpha Seth’s pack worked in the human hospitals for a while and did a rotation in obstetrics. I will get with him and see how comfortable he would be to do this procedure.”

It was first time Elijah and I had argued. He was terrified of losing me and wouldn’t even hear of me getting pregnant, no matter what I said. Finally, I convinced him to go with me to Alpha Seth’s pack to meet with the doctor there.

He assured us that the procedure was very common amongst the humans and with the proper care and rest following the delivery, that he felt confident that I could not only have a pup but would also recover with nothing more than a small scar above my pubic bone.


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