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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 202

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 2


We’re all in the back of our packhouse while my father and my younger brother, Alejandro, stand on the stage to discuss the upcoming contest where I will finally be able to claim my own pack. A pack that I have to fight for because my father felt that my younger brother could run this pack better. So, there they are, on the stage, making the announcement.

“The contest will begin in three months’ time.” My father says and instantly, my sister, Magdalena’s hand goes up.

“Yes, Magdalena.” My father says and I know his patience with us is already running thin, but I don’t care. Both Maggie and I are older than Al. We should have had the opportunity to be the heir to this pack. Just because I don’t have the right package hanging between my legs doesn’t make me any less capable of being able to lead a pack.

“Why is the contest starting in three months? Hasn’t it already taken years to prepare for?” She asks. Good question.

“That is correct. However, the contest will be open to everyone over the age of 16. The Council and the current Alphas felt that it was only fair to give anyone that is not currently training at a warrior level time to get stronger in order to compete.”

My hand shoots up in the air. I’ m being petty, I know, but I don’ t care. I see my father sigh.

“Yes, Evangeline?”

“So, she-wolves can enter the contest? We are eligible to become Alphas? Is that correct?”

My father grits his teeth. “Yes, that is correct.”

I give him my best fake smile. “Good to know.”

I see my mother giving Maggie and I ‘the look’. Both of us ignore her.

I feel a strong arm go around my shoulder and look up to see another around Maggie’s. “Easy my sisters. Don’t keep challenging our father in front of the pack. Mother will kick both of you’re a*s*ses and you know it.”

“Don’t care.” I say.

“It would be worth it.” Maggie says.

Lazio chuckles. He’s an easy-going brother. I adore him. While my relationship with Alejandro has always been strained because I felt I deserved what he was being given, I have no such animosity toward Lazio. He will also be in the contest, fighting to claim a pack of his own. If I don’t win, I’ II be moving to Lazio’s pack.

Our youngest sister, Makayla is too young to enter the contest, but I doubt she cares. She’s perfectly happy being a Luna or even a Beta female. Her personality is much more like my father’s, relaxed and easygoing. Maggie and I couldn’t be more different than her. We both got our mother’s fire.

“Does anyone know what is going to happen to Alpha Quinton’s children?” I ask. His children are too young to participate in the contest.

“I heard that after the contest for the position of Alpha that they are planning to open up the positions of Beta. His sons will be eligible to participate in the Beta Trials.” Lazio says.

“Are there any more questions before I go into the discussion of the contest itself?” My father asks and we all refocus on him. My brother raises his hand. My father doesn’t look nearly as put upon when he nods at my brother to speak.

“Since the contest is open to those of us who are under 18, what happens if we win? Usually, Alphas aren’t eligible to take over their packs until they turn 18.”

Another good question.

“If a winner is under 18, the pack lands will be set aside for them to claim when they turn 18. In the meantime, I’m sure it would be acceptable for any winner to begin clearing out the areas of the pack lands and beginning to rebuild the packhouse or surrounding buildings that we know have fallen into disrepair.”

After that, no one has any questions, so my father continues.

“The contest will run over several months. It will incorporate several types of contests including endurance, strength, agility, sensory acknowledgement and finally logical reasoning. Each of these events will be elimination rounds with only those with the highest scores moving into the next round. After each elimination round, we will be giving the contestants a break, a chance to rest and an opportunity to prepare for the next round of eliminations. So, that is why the contest itself will run over several months.”

He stops, looking out over the crowd of pack members who are here hoping for their chance to become an Alpha of their own pack.

“The first elimination round will be a 100-mile run. This is the endurance challenge. Only the first 100 individuals to cross the finish line will progress to the next round. You have three months to prepare for this challenge. The Council will be judging the contest and we have chosen the area that will be used for the run. Since it is close to the area that was once used for the claiming, that will be the area the contest will start and where future events will be held.”

My hand goes up. “Evangeline?”


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