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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 205

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 5


Maggie, Lazio and I have been training like fiends. We are going to win. All of us. It’s as Alejandro said, the four of us will with be Alphas with our own packs.

My relationship with my brother has improved since that first day. I realized that my mother was right and while I’m still frustrated that I don’t get to be heir to my pack just because I’m a woman, that was never my brother’s decision. He felt that if the rest of us had to compete and win at these events, he should also be able to meet the same criteria.

In the past few months, I have realized that I still have a lot to learn about what it means to be a good Alpha. But, I’ve also recognized that, while I was being bitter and angry about not being Alpha, Alejandro was working hard to make sure that he would be an Alpha worthy of the pack. I have a lot of respect for my brother. Respect that he’s earned, but also that I should have given to him a long time ago.

Today, we’re arriving at the old claiming territory. Tomorrow we will all compete in the first event, the 100-mile run. When we get there, Magdalena and I are sharing a room, thank goodness. Makayla came with us, supposedly to cheer us on, but really, we know she’s here hoping to sniff out her mate. Since she’s still 15, I say good luck with that. 

The four of us, Maggie, Lazio, Al and I have gone over what we’ve decided are our fiercest competitors. The children of Alpha Mason and Luna Jara are the prime candidates. Being children of two true Alphas, they will be our biggest competitors. But, there are many others. Their cousin, Taylor, is high on my list of people to watch and basically every Alpha male in the competition and most of the Alpha females are a threat. We’ll just have to be stronger and smarter than they are.

When it’s time to get our instructions. Maggie and I head outside. Makayla comes skipping up, wanting to join us, meaning, she wants to be in the middle of the group of potential mates, hoping to sniff him out.

As we’re standing there, waiting for the speaker to take the stage, I turn to Maggie. “Our sister is purring. Do you think she knows?” I whisper in her ear.

I look up and my eyes lock onto intense grey eyes, staring right back at me. I immediately look away, but my heart rate spikes.

Maggie looks at me, frowning. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“Uh, nothing. I’m good.”

She looks at me a moment. “No, I don’t think she knows.” She says.

Now it’s my turn to frown. “What?”

Instead of answering, she reaches around me and smacks Makayla’s arm. “Stop purring.” She says as quietly as she can. Thankfully, most everyone is talking quietly, not paying attention to anyone else.

As we watch, an older gentleman walks up on the stage. Even from here, I can tell that he’s an Alpha.

He puts his hands up and everyone goes quiet. 

“Good evening, everyone. Welcome to The Contest. An event that will give ten of you your own pack and allow you to take your place as Alpha.”

Cheers and howls go up around us and Makayla lifts her head up, howling along with the others.

“This is why they have the age cut off. The young ones are too excitable.” Maggie whispers in my ear, watching our sister.

“I am Councilman Jason and I have been selected to be the master of ceremonies for these events. Tonight, I want to go over the rules of the first contest and then we will be having a feast. You may take the time to get to know your fellow competitors, go to bed early or just enjoy these pack lands.”

I snort. “Who would want these pack lands. The housing may be in the best shape but it’s still so old it needs to be rebuilt.” I say.

“I heard the claiming territory is something like 100 acres and that doesn’t include the area outside the old territory. This is the biggest of all ten of the pack lands up for grabs.” Magdalena says to me.

“How do you know that?” I ask her.

She looks at me. “How do you not know that?”

I roll my eyes and then casually look back at where I saw super hotty a moment ago. Once again, our eyes lock, only this time, he winks at me. My entire body jerks and I turn back.

Damn it. I should have been arrogant, raised an eyebrow or some shit. Now he knows he got to me, and that I was looking at him.

“Who are you looking at?” Maggie leans over and asks me. “Super hotty behind us, just winked at me when I made eye contact.” I say. She starts to turn like she’s some damn amateur.


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