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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 207

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 7 Evangeline

Jaxon is nothing like I was expecting. He’s…nice. That’s not to say that he doesn’t have the Alpha arrogance. He does of course. But he’s nicer than I was expecting.

We talk over dinner and it’s pretty casual. Others join in our conversation periodically and we join in theirs. Surprisingly, there’s an air of camaraderie rather than competition. I’m guessing that will change overnight, but for now, it’s casual and comfortable.

I notice that Jaxon isn’t drinking alcoholic beverages either and I comment on it.

“I’m here to win, not party.” He says.

Magdalena snorts. “Did you two rehearse that?” Jaxon looks confused.

“I said almost the exact same thing to Makayla, our sister, earlier.” I say.

“It says a lot to me about the ones that are drinking. They are either here to search for their mates, or they don’t understand how brutal the next two days are going to be.” He says.

Maggie leans forward. “Who do you think will come in first?” She asks him, smirking. I’m already guessing his answer will be the same as ours.

“Me, of course.” And there it is. We both laugh and I can see that arrogant Alpha look come out.

“You don’t think I can do it?” He asks.

“That was also our answer when Makayla asked who we thought would be first.” Maggie tells him. “Both of us said we would be first.” He smiles at that.

“Will you run with your sisters, help them along?” I ask him, curious.

“No, not unless something happens. They are strong in their own ways, but I’m faster than any of them. Plus, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, so I expect Teagan and Rowen to make the cut. Raelvn…” He says moving his hand in a maybe, maybe not gesture.

“A marathon plus.” I say.

“Who do you think is your biggest competition?” I ask him.

“I have a list, both of you are on it, by the way.” That makes us smile.

“But, if I had to pick my top three. I’d probably say Tobias, because he’s older and has had longer to train, Stefan, for the same reason, and my cousin Taylor.”

Maggie and I nod. “All three of them are on our list as well. What about Celine? Stefan’s sister? Alpha Zaire and Luna Gia were very strong leaders of their pack, and their son Alden seems to have stepped easily into those shoes.” I ask.

“I’ve never met her, but if she’s Alpha Zaire and Luna Gia’s daughter. I won’t underestimate her.” Jaxon says.

“What about your brother? Do you think he has a chance?” He asks.

“Lazio? Absolutely. You’d be mistaken to underestimate him, even though he’s just made the cutoff to participate. We celebrated his birthday last week, but he will be fierce.” He nods, looking around.

Alpha Jordan takes the opportunity to lean forward. “How many do you think are here just to find their mates.” She asks.

Maggie snorts. “If our sister is any indication, I’d say plenty.”

I look down the table, seeing Rowan talking to Alejandro. Their heads are close together and they don’t seem to realize that they are in a room full of people. They are lost in their own world. “Not just our sister.” I say, nodding at the two of them.


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