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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 213

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 13 Evangeline

I wake slowly, feeling every muscle in my body complaining loudly.

I grunt softly, turning to see that Magdalena is still sleeping in her bed. She had gotten in the shower before I got to the room. I had fallen onto my bed and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I never even heard her get out of the shower.

Now, I drag myself out of bed, heading for the shower. I have no idea what time it is, but I know I need food and I need to work the aches out of my body.

I turn on the hot water, and stand under it, letting the heat penetrate my sore muscles. While I stand there, I think back to this morning. I told Jaxon I’d go on a date with him.

A date. With Super Hotty.

What will we even do? Where will we go? I realize I’ve never actually been on a real date. The pack gets together for events or sometimes groups of kids get together for school events or after school, sometimes weekend bonfires, stuff like that. But one on one with someone? Nope, never.

What do people even do on dates? Eat, I guess.

Before I get too worried about it, I wash my hair, then begin to wash off the sweat that has become a laver of stickiness on my body. When I’m done, I feel better and my need for food takes the forefront in my mind.

When I step out of the bathroom, I see that Maggie is still sleeping. I quietly get dressed, brushing out my hair, but leaving it to dry naturally before slipping out of our room in search of food.

When I get to the dining hall, I realize it’s late afternoon. There are considerably more people here now than there were this morning. It’s obvious which ones have just come in and which ones have already napped and are getting back up to eat. Not seeing anyone in my family, I grab some food and go to sit at a table by a window. From here, I can see the finish line in the distance. There are still people coming in and many people standing and waiting for them to arrive.

As I eat, I search the crowd, finding Makayla standing near my father and Alejandro. I continue to look around, spotting Jaxon standing with his parents. I watch a moment and realize, based on the tension in Luna Jara’s back, that Raelyn must not have crossed the finish line yet.

I look up at the leader board. Nearly 450 of the 600 contestants have crossed the finish line now. When I finish eating, I grab a couple bottles of water and head over to where Jaxon is standing with his parents.

As I walk up, he turns, and smiles when he sees me.

“Hey, you’re awake.” He says as I hand him a bottle of water.

“Thanks!” He says, before downing the water. “I can’t seem to get enough.”

I say hello to Alpha Mason and Luna Jara before turning back to Jaxon. “Raelyn?”

“Hasn’t crossed yet. Griffin just got in from the 70-mile rest stop. He said all the runners passed through. Raelyn passed through a while ago, but she was looking pretty worn out.”

“What if she got injured?” I hear Luna Jara whisper. It doesn’t look like she’s moved from the spot she was in this morning.

“Someone would have let us know Jara. Let her finish the race. She may not have advanced to the next round, but it’s important for her to finish, to know she can do it.” Alpha Mason says to her.

“She didn’t train like the rest of us, Mom, but she’s still your daughter. Dad’s right, she’ll want to finish the race, just to say she did it.”

Makayla comes bouncing over but checks herself when she feels the tension around us. 

“Who are we waiting for?” She asks.

“Alpha Mason and Luna Jara’s youngest daughter.”


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