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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 216

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 16 Evangeline

I walk into my room, still dazed from kissing Jaxon. Wow, that man can k*iss.

Almost immediately, I’m waylaid by Maggie.

“Do you want to explain to me why you and Super Hotty were in that dark cave all alone and why now your eyes are glazed over, your lips look puffy, and you have a dopey smile on your face?”

“He kissed me.” I say quietly, my lingers coming to my lips that are still tingling after that last k*iss. It was so unexpected, so naughty; so….delicious. That’s the only word I can use to describe how Jaxon tastes. J

“Tell me EVERYTHING!” Maggie says, plopping down on the bed, looking at me with excitement in her eyes.

“I….well, he asked me on a date earlier. Geez, was that just this morning?”

“So this was a date?” She asks.

“No, this was accidental. His family was waiting for Raelyn to cross the finish line and I went out to stand with them. After she came in, he wanted to look around the territory and we ended up in the cave. At first, we were just looking around but then….”

I remember how something had seemed to crackle in the air. He reached out to k*iss me at almost the same moment I began to feel a desperate need to be kissed by him. And it was like all that magical energy in the cave just wrapped around us. I couldn’t get enough of him, his scent, his taste, the warmth of his body pressed against mine.

“What are you smiling at?” Maggie asks me.

I don’t want to tell her that I could very clearly feel Jaxon’s arousal pressed between us. “He’s an amazing kisser, Maggie. I mean, holy goddess! His lips are divine. Soft and warm but still strong and when he slid his tongue into my mouth…”

I look up and see Maggie’s eyes wide, her hands clenched to her chest. She and I have always been extremely close, so she knows this was my first k*iss and I know she’s only gotten kisses that were pecks from guys at school.

“Do you think all kisses are like that?” She asks me.

“I have no idea, but I know that he seemed to want more just as much as I did.”

Her eyes go even wider. “Do you think that means that you’re a good k*isser too?”

“I guess. I don’t know. I hope so.” I tell her and I really do hope so. I want Jax k*issing me again, soon.

Maggie flops back on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. “Oh, it’s so romantic.” Then she pops back up. “What if he’s your mate, Evie?”

“I don’t know, Maggie. I still want to win this competition. I want to be an Alpha.” But it makes me wonder about his question and our conversation earlier about finding my mate. He was clear that he would be willing to be co-Alphas. I wonder if he knows something I don’t. He is 18 after all.

“Well, you have time to figure it out and apparently at least one date to talk about it. Wow, you and Super Hotty.”

“Yeah.” I say, getting up to change into my pajamas. “Tomorrow will be interesting. I can’t wait to see what the next competition is going to be like.”

“Me too!”

The next morning there is a bustle of activity all over. The finish line has been removed, but the scoreboard is still standing with the top 100 on display. After breakfast, Maggie and I head over to see our competition. Not surprisingly, everyone that is on our list is on the board.

“Checking out the competition?” Lazio says, coming up behind us.

“Hey, where have you been?” I ask him.

“Eating and sleeping. Haven’t you?” He asks, looking at me.

“We went into the territory last night. We got to see mom’s signature on the cave wall and swam in the lake.” Maggie tells him.

“Who else went?” He asks frowning.

“Al was there and Alpha Jaxon and two of his sisters.” I tell him.

“I guess I missed out. Damn.” He looks disappointed a moment, before his face lights up again.


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