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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 310

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 37 (Jace)

I’m not sure if Jordan’s look is about being nervous that she might end up alone and hunted, or if she’s worried about being forcibly marked. Either way, I don’t have any intention of leaving her alone. We’ve just started making progress with our bond, she finally rescinded her rejection. I refuse to allow anyone to mark her but me.

Her smile when I tell her I’m not going anywhere is everything that I’ve always wanted to see from Jordan. It tells me she’s happy, thankful and willing to let me be here for her. Jordan isn’t the type to be vulnerable, so her willingness to let me be here to support her says more to me than her willingness to experiment in bed last night.

Dr. Braxton finishes giving an update on the rogues’ packs and afterward, the Alphas begin asking questions. As they talk, I reach under the table and take Jordan’s hand. She squeezes mine in return and laces her fingers with mine. There’s a lot of conversation about the vaccine and Dr. Braxton talks about using Jordan, Jaxon and Luna Jara’s blood to create the vaccine.

“What about the rest of us? If I understood you before when the viruses were ramp*ant, doctor, Jara’s immunity should have been passed to the pack. If that’s the case, you shouldn’t have to take blood from my mate and children only.”

“We know Alpha Jaxon has the immunity, but I’d like to take blood from Alpha Tobias, Alpha Evangeline and Alpha Flavia,” Dr. Braxton says.

Both Tobias and Jaxon snarl at that. “No!” They say in unison.

“You can have all of my blood that you want, you vampire, but you won’t t*ouch my mate or our child,” Tobias says. “Same,” Jaxon snarls. “My mate just had our son. You won’t be coming anywhere near either one of them.”

“It was a suggestion. I wouldn’t be injecting them with anything…”

“No!” they both say again, and I swear I can feel their Alpha auras through the video.

Dr. Braxton must too as he puts his hands up in defense. “Of course, I wouldn’t forcibly take their blood. It was just a suggestion.”

“While Dr. Braxton figures out the vaccine issue, can I ask what we’re doing about our pack lands and the Beta Trials? Half of us are on hold building our packs, and we need to have a plan. We need to know if the Beta Trials are going to be delayed or if we can continue to plan for and build our packs,” Stephan says.

“We need to know that we can keep our pack members safe,” Councilwoman Gia says.

“And we need to be able to build our packs. The ten of us who won packs and our mates are all currently displaced while we figure this out,” Alpha Reid says.

“You are, of course, free to go back to your pack lands. But you take on the risk associated with being out there alone,” Councilman Jason says. “What kind of bullshit answer is that?” Alpha Caleb asks. “We all have mates. We aren’t putting them at risk.”

“I suggest we all take the rest of the day, let Dr. Braxton work his magic on the vaccine. If he can come up with a vaccine that will protect everyone, then we have no problem continuing with the Beta Trials,” Councilman Jason says.

“And what about our packs? I’ve been lucky because my cousin and brother have given me patrols to help protect my lands, but not everyone has that option,” Taylor says.

“Something for all of us to think about and as I said, we can reconvene tomorrow morning.”

“Jordan,” Luna Jara says, and I look at the monitor to see her face looking back at us. “Do you have a safe place to stay tonight?”

“Don’t worry, Luna. I’ll protect Jordan,” I say.


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