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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 18


There was no disputing the fact that there was chemistry between Tamia and me.

As I got to know her more, I realised she was genuinely innocent.

It was hard taking my heart out of the equation.

Although nothing had transpired between us, she was claiming my heart, and there was nothing I could do about it.

That was precisely why I refused to touch her.

I did not know how it would end, and neither of us needed to get hurt the second time.

So I walked away every time she created an opportunity for me.

After she boldly invited me into her room, I realised I couldn't put it off any longer.

It was unfortunate how it all began, and the reason why I brought the three of them here was cruel.

It was safe to say that I was looking out for my people, but it was no longer about keeping my enemies close; it was now a matter of the heart. After reading Leonardo's letter, I realised attacking his pack was wrong. He wasn't a part of it.

Going horse riding was a great move to get to know Tamia better, but I had to step back when she took the giant leap. Now I was willing to jump.

Holding her in my arms in the garden felt new.

I haven't been relaxed in a long time.

When Kaira went on a rampage, I realised her feelings were genuine and had nothing to do with survival.

As crude as it was and as crazy as it seemed, Kaira had said everything Tamia could not say.

When I carried her to my room, I knew this was it.

It all happened fast, and I realised fate had blessed me with her.

We left the garden when it was dark, to have dinner.

Tamia tried to get us to go to the room first, but I refused.

I knew what she wanted and would not have the will to say no.

I knew I was postponing the inevitable since we both slept in the same room together.

We entered the dining together, and I noticed that Marcel and Avery weren't all over each other as usual.

I hoped for all our sakes they weren't fighting because I wanted my Beta at his best all the time.

Marcel had jumped before Theodore and me. Even though he denied it, I knew his heart was invested in it.

No one asked us to get involved with these women, or fall in love with them. It just happened naturally.

Theodore had his eyes on Linda from the moment they arrived, and he had the most difficulty. She kept asking him to assign her a duty as he should and that she wasn't interested in getting emotionally involved with anyone. Of the three, she was the most used and abused, and I could understand why she was guarded.

Theodore was the patient type, taking it a step at a time, and I could see he was making progress.

"What is the matter, Ave?" I heard Tamia say. She could have as well linked her friends, but I figured she sensed something was wrong, and she wanted to address it.

"Never mind," Avery said, and Marcel looked worried.

I had to link him to find out what the issue was.

"What happened?" I asked, and he sighed.

"She found out about my secret harem," he confessed to me, and I was stunned.

"I thought you let them go?" I linked him, remembering we had chosen to disband our harems three years ago.

"I do not visit all of them, but I continued seeing Maurine. I wanted to end it, but the woman won't let me." He said, and I was disappointed in him.

Maurine wasn't a good person, and she had caused more troubles than I could remember when they were in the estate.

"What the fuck!" I said to my Beta aloud, and he bowed his head.

"So why is Avery mad? It has to be more than that." I said, knowing Avery was too tough to be mad about a lover that refused to go away.

"I have ended it, and then she got into Avery's head about this being a norm. She told her we usually split the lunas among ourselves and sleep with them to get information about their husbands and former packs so we can attack them," He said, and I was pissed off and worried.

Avery was Tamia's friend. If she tells Tamia this, Kaira will be mad. Tamia might pretend, but I know her wolf won't.

"How the fuck did she get into the estate?" I asked him, and he bowed his head.

"She didn't. I took Avery to town, and we met in a store," He said, and I did not know what to tell him.

He wasn't supposed to take any of the newcomers off the property. Why will he take Avery to town? I did not want to create an issue, so I let it rest.

"You need to fix it," I told him, and he nodded.

We ate dinner in silence, and the atmosphere was a bit glum, but my heart wasn't.

My hands were on Tamia's thigh, and I couldn't wait to go to bed.

" Alpha, there is an attack on the north gate, southern soldiers," one of my warriors told me through the mind link, and I stood up abruptly.

"What is the matter?" Tamia asked me, looking worried.

"I need you to stay indoors. There is an attack on the north gate, and we must defend ourselves," I told her, and her eyes darkened.

" You do not have a lot of warriors on the estate," She said, and I wondered how she knew.

"I pay attention, Sylvester. I was a luna remember?" She said, and I sighed.


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