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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 17

There’s a hand around my neck and I can’t breathe. The more I try to fight them off, the tighter their grip gets - no amount of clawing at the hand stops them and their white Rogue eyes look down at me with glee.

“Take your death quietly, Omega whore,” his voice echoes in my head over and over until I eventually hear a scream.

I sit up in bed and pull my covers closer to my chest. My eyes are still adjusting to the light in the bedroom when the scent of Autumn hits me….that’s when I realize that I am not in my own room at all.

Looking around the room, I swallow deeply and try to remember how I got here.

Last night someone attacked me and I was nearly killed, then the Alpha saved me, killed the man who tried to kill me, and then Dr. Lilah and Maxim -

Oh, my Goddess! My hand goes to my mouth as I realize I’m in Alpha Nikolaos’ bedroom.

He wanted me here, but for what? Did I do something weird that made him worry about me? No, that’s not right, he doesn’t worry about anyone or anything; there’s no way he would be worried about me like that.

A groan in the corner of the room makes my heart leap into my chest and I clutch the front of the nightgown I’m wearing. From here I can see the body draped over a couch and snoring gently.

I get to my feet to get a closer look, only to have my breath knocked out of me at the sight of Alpha Nikolaos. He has one tattooed arm draped over his eyes, with the other is placed on his extremely well-built chest. He’s barefoot, wearing a pair of black sweatpants, and no shirt, so I can see…everything.

Every tattoo covering his arms and chest, every bullet hole, stab wound, old stitches, and punctures. But even with all those, he still looks glorious. How can this man still be single while looking like this?

I am so enamored with the intricate dips on his chest, that when my gaze travels up again, I realize his eyes are open and he’s watching me with a smirk teasing his lips.

“Good morning, kouneláki,” he says in an amused tone.

My heart slams inside my ribcage, and I take a step backward. He chuckles and gets to his feet; but when he stretches and lets out a groan, my mouth goes completely dry. Surely this man knows how beautiful he looks?

The throbbing in my core sure does.

“G-good morning, Alpha,” I say, still maintaining eye contact. “Thank you for allowing me to sleep in your bed for the night. I’ll be out of your personal space… soon…”

He shuts me up by walking towards me, then he lifts his hand and I automatically flinch. The sound of a growl echoing in his chest forces me to open my eyes, then he gently takes my chin and moves my head to the side.

“You’ve healed, but there might be a scar,” he says, before taking two steps back from me. “Come, I’ll take you to your new bedroom.”

I breathe out a sigh when he walks ahead and holds the door open for me, but then something else occurs to me and my heart shatters into a thousand little pieces.

“Josef, he-”

“Josef is fine, Mia. He’s healing. If you want, I’ll ask him to come around to your bedroom so you can see for yourself,” he says with a slight smile.

I nod excitedly. “Yes, please! I can’t help but feel responsible for what happened to him,” I say sadly, but then Alpha Nikolaos shakes his head.

“Josef is your bodyguard. He is meant to protect you. I do have a sneaky suspicion that he feels bad for not stopping that fucking Rogue, though,” he says, then cocks his head towards the door. “Come.”

“Yes, sir,” I say and follow him to my new bedroom….which happens to be right next to his. I turn my head and look up at him with a frown.

“No one will attack again, knowing you’ll be right next to me,” he says, then opens the door to my new bedroom… which looks exactly the same as my old one.

As I am staring at it, a few things start coming back to me. “Alpha,” I start. “The dagger that Rogue used, it looked familiar.”

The Alpha nods. “It’s one of mine; you’ve probably seen Josef play with his a few times, but Josef’s dagger was not missing, nor were any of my other warriors’,” he says. I can see his green eyes slipping to crimson just before he blinks them away. “Did he say why he was here?”

“To kill me,” I answered immediately. “ ‘He told me to make it painful,’ those were his words. Oh, and he called me Omega Whore.”


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