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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 43

Things have been suspiciously quiet in our pack; no attacks, no demands, no threats or anything of the sort since Nikolaos killed Mikhail. He has been working tirelessly to get the entire city under SilverCrest control and with a few packs refusing to submit to their new Alpha, he’s had to make examples of them with exile.

Yet even after he did that, there’s been no pushback. I know that I am sounding like a worrywart, but seeing as even the Elders were against Nikolaos, you never know what might happen.

That, and it’s a week before my due date.

I moved into Nikolaos’ room when we got back from Bastien and we’ve been sleeping in the same bed ever since. Things don’t even feel out of place, it’s like I was always meant to be here next to him.

I’ve taken to walking through the back gardens on my own, a hand on my belly and a smile on my face. Autumn will be here soon, so I’m enjoying the last bit of greenery before the garden is no longer green and full of life.

Niko insisted on guards so they were not far behind me, but they’ve come to be my shadow.

It’s on one of these daily strolls that I notice a lone figure sitting on one of the stone benches with his elbows resting on his knees, seemingly deep in thought. My eyes narrow at him, recognition setting in when I see the blonde hair and cold blue-gray eyes.

“Ghost?” I murmur and he blinks a few times before he realizes I’m practically standing next to him.

“Luna Mia,” he says and moves to kneel, but I stop him and shake my head.

“There’s no need for that. You must have been thousands of miles away to not even feel my presence. May I join you?” I ask and watch as he swallows deeply, paling.

“If you truly want to, Luna,” he answers, sitting down and I squat down next to him.

When I first saw him, he was the one who scared me the most; but looking at him now, I realize that he’s not that scary. To be honest, he looks like an anxious mess. “How old are you, Ghost?”

“You can call me by my name, Luna,” he says with a wan smile. “I’m twenty-one years old.”

My eyes widen. “That’s the same age as me! You don’t…look that young, to be honest,” I say and he chuckles.

“My kill count is nearing four figures, Luna; it ages you,” he says, then catches himself. “Not that I mind doing it for my Alpha-”

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me, don’t worry. Killing can taint the soul and age the body, I understand,” I say, before sighing. “Now, I have never seen you so anxious. Is everything okay?”

He swallows deeply again, his throat bobbing slowly and he exhales. Looking down at his hands, I see he has them laced together and his knuckles are white from the pressure. Woah, what could have him worried like this?

“You can speak to me, Divan. I am your Luna, whatever you talk to me about will not leave this space. If you need to vent or tell me your troubles, I am here to listen and not judge you,” I say and I see Star gazing at me proudly.

Divan leans his head against his laced fingers, sighing. “The Alpha spoke to all five of us, including Beta Maxim. Our territory is expanding and with all the new packs under SilverCrest…alliances need to be made,” he says.

I blink in confusion, then my eyes widen when I realize what he means. In our world, the mafia world, alliances are made through arranged marriages.

“Does that worry you?” I ask, not quite understanding why that would have him worried like this.

Nikolaos told me Divan is the leader of The Pente; fearless, deadly and cunning with the bloodlust to match. And yet, the topic of a possible arranged marriage has him an anxious mess with his guard down.

“I’m an enforcer and soldier; the Alpha trained to be a spy, to hunt down and kill in his name. All of that I don’t mind, all of that I can do with one hand behind my back and blindfolded,” he says proudly with his chest puffed out.

“But marriage? A wife and possible children? My father was an abusive cunt who finally killed my mother and siblings in a rage, then tried to kill me and turned the dagger on himself when he thought I was dead. Being caring, being…soft and gentle, it’s not in me. My children will grow up to be colder than I could ever be.”

My heart breaks for this man in front of me; how many SilverCrest wolves have trauma like this?

Divan gets to his feet and sighs. “But if that’s what the Alpha wants, then that’s what I’ll do. I owe my life to him, so I will honor whatever mission he has for me, even if it means I have to take a wife for the sake of the pack,” he says.

I peer up at him and notice the anxious expression is gone. “This will stay between us, so whenever you feel the need for council or just to talk, I am here,” I say, not sure of what else to say, but this seems to help.

He kneels in front of me and bows his head. “Thank you, Luna,” is all he says before he walks away from me.


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