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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 56

I am going to kill him.

Who the hell does he think he is? ¡Dios mío! I am not going to survive this without spilling blood, and I don’t mean mine!

Pacing the floor of what I now know is my prison, I try to come up with some plan of escape. But when I looked outside throughout the day and saw there was no gap between the patrol and how high the gates were, I knew that there would be no escaping for me.

And as much as I want to drive a steak knife through Maxim’s eye, it would surely lead to my death. So what am I going to do? I want nothing more than to escape here and from my exchange with Maxim earlier, he doesn’t want this either.

But a Beta is loyal to his Alpha, I suppose.

My shoulders sag in defeat and I sink down onto the soft bed, feeling annoyed at how absolutely plush and comfortable it feels. I want to hate it here, I want to pitch a fit and fight my way out of this…But is it wise?

I have nowhere to return to, those thieves stole my money in the alleyway and I defected from my old pack. In short, I am screwed even if I do escape.

/“Perhaps we should give Maxim a chance,”/ Yingze says, invading my thoughts. /“He was right, his earlier move didn’t hurt us, it just subdued us.”/

“It doesn’t mean he won’t still hurt us,” I remind her. “He’s Alpha Nikolaos’ Beta for a reason, you know.”

I don’t trust Maxim as far as I can throw him. He might have saved me, taken care of me, and made me breakfast, but that doesn’t mean I’m about to open my legs for him because of duty. Sighing, I decide to go to the kitchen and make myself some coffee; it’s the only thing I missed after being forced to lay low for so long.

I sneak out of the bedroom and strain my ears, but I don’t hear any other heartbeats in the house beside mine. So I make my way to the kitchen and set everything up for some expensive, delicious coffee.

I’m so lost in the smell and sounds of the machine bubbling and trickling out the liquid into my cup, that I just barely miss the slamming of a car door outside. Oh, hell; I wanted to avoid him all day, but now I won’t be able to since the kitchen faces the living room and front door,

Focusing harder on the machine in front of me, I don’t turn around when I hear the front door opening, nor do I acknowledge the man who I’ve been thinking about the entire day. As much as I hate to admit it to myself, he was at the forefront of my thoughts.

The sound of boots hitting the wooden floor makes my heart leap into my throat. I don’t want him to know what his presence does to me, so I continue to stare holes into the coffee machine, willing it to brew faster.

“Good evening, Xiomara,” is all he says before he walks towards the opposite side of the house and slams the door behind him.

From my snooping today, I am guessing he’s headed toward the locked room at the back of the house. At that moment, my stomach decides to growl and I groan in annoyance because I haven’t eaten since this morning.

Resigned to the fact that I’m not going anywhere, I raid the fridge and freezer in hopes of being able to whip up a meal. Since I was left to take over from my Mamma after her death, I had to learn to feed the men in our pack house. So after finding two steaks, I get lost in preparing the meal for me and the man I want to kill.

Rookie mistake.

Once the smell of the searing steak and sauteed mushrooms wafts through the house, I forgot where I was for a few minutes. That is until I plate the steaks and am about to turn around to dish the scalloped potatoes when I see Maxim standing behind me.

I get such a damn fright that I nearly drop the plates, but Maxim is right there to catch me as well as the almost-ruined dinner.

“Didn’t mean to startle you,” he says as he pulls me to my feet and puts the plates down on the counter before letting me go. But I’m not startled by Maxim standing behind me…I’m started because of what I see.

Now I realize that the locked room is a gym.

He’s only wearing his black cargo pants, no shirt, and is dripping with sweat, his blonde hair is no longer slicked back, but matted with sweat and sticking to the side of his face. I shouldn’t be staring at the dips and planes of his well-defined upper body, but my eyes wander of their own accord…right down to the strip of hair leading to what I don’t want to think about…but do.

Why is temptation so beautiful?

I clear my throat when I realize what the hell I’m doing. “Uh…Uhm, sorry, I shouldn’t have…reacted like that,” I turn around to tend to the mushrooms so I don’t have to look into his eyes. “Dinner will be ready in five minutes.”

He grunts a response and I hear him walk away, but I still don’t turn around until I hear the water running. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I got done with plating the food and putting them down on the opposite side of the island just like this morning.

I don’t know why seeing Maxim half-naked affected me like that, but it did. Maybe it’s because it’s the first time I’m seeing a Beta who isn’t covered in tattoos. Or maybe because, for a split second, I found him sexy as hell.

Groaning, I hang my head in my hands; I can still smell his scent on me, too. That heady sandalwood and amber scent feels like it’s imprinted right on my soul. It shouldn’t head right to my pussy, but it does. It also leads me to wonder how he is in-

“Sorry, that took more than five minutes,” Maxim strolls in and sits down opposite me. He looks down at the plated food and his eyes widen. “Wow, this looks and smells delicious; thank you.”

I don’t know what to say, so I proceed to cut my meat and not look into his eyes. But then he speaks again and my head whips up towards him.

“Wait, there’s no poison in here, right?” he asks, incredibly serious. “This is the only reason I can think of that you’d be nice to me after this morning.”


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