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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 58

Things between Maxim and me seem to be progressing. By progressing, I mean we’re civil to each other now and I don’t feel like I want to kill him. Now I just want to lightly strangle him.

He doesn’t bother me and I don’t bother him. We keep out of each other’s way and I find it surprisingly pleasant when I’m sitting on the balcony in my bedroom just staring over the estate.

It’s beautiful here, but I am way too stubborn to appreciate the beauty.

Luna Mia hasn’t been back since I saw her last, apparently, her son has a bit of a cold so she’s reluctant to leave his side. It’s understandable and I’m actually glad she’s a caring Luna - unlike most out there.

A knock sounds at my bedroom door and I frown; when I walk over to open it, I get more of a surprise when I see Maxim standing there. “Luna Mia wants me to take you to the packhouse so you can meet the other brides. Are you okay to go?”

I blink when I realize he’s actually asking me if I’m okay to go. Out of the house. With him. He’s never asked me how I feel about something, he’s always just ordered; this in itself is a major improvement.

“S-sure! Let me just grab my boots and coat,” I stammer as I walk over to my closet. Maxim had clothes bought for me, all perfectly in my size and style. Thanking him for that was even harder than realizing I might have been wrong about him.

He waits for me outside the bedroom door with his arms crossed, and when I walk out, he gently places a hand on my lower back to lead me.

I take a deep breath as we walk through the wooded area leading to the main packhouse, and a bright smile crosses my face. This is as much freedom as I’m going to get and I’m going to savor every moment of it!

“And that smile?” Maxim asks after a while and I turn my head to look at him.

“I was raised in a gilded cage, but I love the outdoors,” I say while taking another deep breath. “This is my favorite part of the year, too; watching the greenery fade to deep browns and maroons. It reminds me that everything needs to go through a change to come out vibrant and beautiful again. That even death can bring about beauty when given time.”

Maxim blinks, seemingly surprised by my words but I don’t let it get to me. Instead, I take in the floating dead leaves on the breeze and smile again. Would he let me come out here by myself, I wonder?

“You know, you’re allowed to walk around the estate,” he says, not looking my way. “You don’t need to sit in the house all day.”

I stop walking as his words hit me and a warmth slips into my heart. “Really?” I ask and my voice cracks a little. “I can come out here and enjoy the weather?”

He chuckles mirthlessly and nods his head. “I told you before you’re not a prisoner, Xiomara; you can come out of the house, too,” he says and places his black gloved hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.

To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about Maxim’s sudden change toward me. I mean, I am thankful he’s no longer an asshole but this is something I didn’t expect to come from him. Is there an angle to this? Is he waiting for me to let my guard down or something?

Before I can overthink things further, I see a beautiful stone mansion come into view; it’s the one I see peeking out over the trees on a daily basis. It’s even more beautiful up close and definitely old; seems like this Alpha must come from old money.

Instead of leading me up the stone steps, Maxim walks around the back of the mansion. With our trust in each other already so fragile, I don’t question where he’s taking me but it’s revealed to me as soon as we head into the garden.

Six women, five of whom I met on our first drive over here, are seated around a circular wrought-iron table decked with snacks and wine. They’re all smiling genuine smiles as if they’re not unhappy to be prisoners here.

This makes me feel slightly apprehensive; now I feel all alone again. They look like they’ve come to terms with being chosen wives and I’m about to sigh when I see the man standing next to Luna Mia and saying something that gets the women laughing.

My body stills when I take in the tattooed beast of a man, which I am certain is Alpha Nikolaos. He has striking green eyes, and dark slicked-back hair, is tall and broad, and looks every bit as deadly as his reputation. This is the man I ran away from, the man who holds my future in his hands.

I thought Maxim scared me…but this man terrifies me.

“Xiomara?” Maxim’s voice cuts through my fear and I turn my head to look at him. I didn’t realize that I’d stopped walking when he came to stand in front of me. “Hey, are you okay?”

I blink a few times and swallow deeply before I slowly nod. “Y-yes… It’s just the first time I’m seeing Alpha Nikolaos,” I admit.

Maxim’s jaw clenches when I say this, as if he’s not happy that his Alpha scares me. But anyone being in the presence of this man would feel the same way I do. My fight or flight response is telling me to hightail it the fuck out of here.

“Yea, Niko has that effect on people…only that’s not Niko, but his twin brother, Bastien,” he says, then gestures to behind me. “That’s Niko.”

When I turn my head to where he’s pointing, my heart jumps into my throat and a deathly cold shiver shoots up my spine. Where the other man made me feel fear, this man…makes me feel like I’m hanging over the precipice to meet death.

There’s nothing behind his eyes, no warmth like the man standing with Luna Mia…and he’s staring right at me.

My breath hitches and I take a step backward, but Maxim wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. “Hey, it’s okay-”

“He’s going to kill me,” I whisper, burying my face into his chest. I am not going to survive here, not with that man as my Alpha, and especially not since I tried to run away from him.

Maxim gently strokes my hair and hides me from view. “You’re mine, he won’t touch you,” he whispers into my hair. “You have nothing to be scared of, Xiomara, I promise.”

I take a deep breath and allow what Maxim has just said to sink in; I’m his. I belong to the Beta, so the Alpha won’t harm me. Why does that not upset me as much as I thought it would? Being the Beta’s bride…could be the difference between life and death.

Stepping away from his comforting embrace, I tilt my head to look up at him and see nothing but warmth in his once-cold blue eyes. Should I trust this man? Should I take the leap?

“O-okay,” I say, offering him a smile. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I reacted like that.”


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