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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 6

It’s been a week since they brought me into the SilverCrest Pack, and a week since I’ve seen another person besides Josef, my supposed bodyguard.

They’ve moved me to another bedroom; there are no bars on the windows and my door does not get locked, but I am a prisoner nonetheless.

I’ve healed completely, though, and according to Josef, the pack doctor will be coming to see me from tomorrow to start with the insemination process.

The last time I saw her, she asked me about my heat cycles and when they usually occur. I’ll be coming into my heat in three days’ time, but this time things will be different for me.

Mikhail had me on medication to suppress my heat, and so did my father. I’ve never truly experienced it to its fullest before… To say I’m scared is putting it lightly.

“You’re deep in thought today,” Josef says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look toward him and offer him a light smile. He’s been kind to me, nothing like the warriors I’m used to, so it’s made the transition a bit easier.

“Just thinking about tomorrow,” I answer truthfully. “I am… a bit nervous about everything.”

He nods. “You’re to bear the Alpha’s child. It cannot be easy for you. So perhaps don’t think about everything right now.”

Breathing out a sigh, I hug my body closer and shoot him a smile. “You’re right, there’s no reason to worry so much since it all will be taken care of by the Alpha, anyway.” I don’t know why I’m saying this since I have everything to be worried about.

When he finds out who I really am and what I know…

I shake my head; I cannot live with what-ifs right now. This is my path to freedom, to safety, and to a life where I’ll be free of abusive Alphas and their hold on me. I know I sound selfish, but I have never been selfish in my life.

I have to be stronger.


“Mia, you’re looking healthier,” doctor Lilah, the pack doctor, says when she sees me again. She looks me up and down and smiles with a satisfied look on her face. “Yes, definitely.”

What exactly does that mean?

She asks me to strip so she can do a full body check-up again and I freeze, knowing what my back and legs look like. My skin resembles the Eastern art of repairing broken things with gold, in my case silver strips of healed lacerations; it’s ugly either way. Then there’s the tattoo on my inner thigh…

Doctor Lilah places a hand on my shoulder and a chill runs up my spine, but then she gives me a smile and nods her head.

“I saw it all and did not mention it to the Alpha; patient-doctor confidentiality and all that. You went through something horrific and I know it has something to do with the people you ran from, but please know I will do everything in my power to help you with this. I will not hurt you, Mia.”

The way she phrases it makes me want to believe her, so I breathe out a sigh and strip my clothes off. The pity in her eyes causes goosebumps of shame to pucker all over my skin; I have never had anyone feel pity for me and it is such a strange feeling.

I know I am broken. I know Mikhail ruined me, but I don’t want anyone to know just how much.

Her gentle touch as she starts her check-up, makes me feel a bit better about everything. No one has ever touched me gently before, not even my mother, who claimed to love me.

She prods and probes, checking this and that, and draws blood and a separate fluid before finally giving me an internal examination. As someone who has never been to a doctor before, I wasn’t aware of what an internal examination would be.

Well, I learned quickly.

Apparently, it’s normal to have this kind of examination done, but it feels too darn invasive. It feels like she’s looking for any flaw that could present itself while I carry her Alpha’s heir, and I suppose that’s to be expected.

After what feels like hours, she finally tells me to get dressed while she reviews everything. She remained quiet throughout the check-up, and it has me wondering if she finally found a flaw in me. That wouldn’t be surprising, though.

“You were on heat suppression medication, correct?”


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