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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 9

My eyes shoot open and I jump to my feet, hoping I make it to the toilet in time. Then I empty the entirety of last night’s supper into the toilet bowl, my stomach aching from dry heaving as the last remnants get regurgitated.

“Oh…” I groan and rest my clammy forehead on my arm.

Dr. Lilah mentioned that nausea would be one of the symptoms, right? But it’s barely been a full twenty-four hours since the insemination started… am I pregnant already?

The bedroom door bursts open and I hear Josef rushing in before coming to a stop at the bathroom door. I turn my head to look at him, then flash him a sheepish smile.

“Can you please call Dr. Lilah?” I croak out, my throat is hoarse from vomiting. Josef nods, then he disappears just before another wave of nausea rips through my body.

I don’t think there’s anything left in me to vomit out, and yet I am bent over the toilet bowl, gripping it as if my life depended on it. Flushing the toilet, I hang my head in my hands and groan, but I can’t get to my feet because of the white spots dancing in my eyes.

“W-what…” I trail off and in the distance, I faintly hear the voices of Dr. Lilah and Josef, but they soon fade away as I close my eyes.


Soft fingers touch my forehead and a cold cloth wipes my face. I open my eyes and everything is still blurry, but then Dr. Lilah’s smiling face comes into focus and she rests her hand on my cheek.

“Hello, Mia. How are you feeling?” she asks, and I’m about to sit up when I see the IV drip coming out of my arm.

I frown at this, then peer back up at Dr. Lilah just as she hands me a glass of water. “What… happened?” I ask after I gulp it all down.

She sighs and sits down next to me on the bed. “We’ve had to put you in a drip because I found out you’ve barely been eating these past few days. Do you know how dangerous that is, Mia? You’re supposed to be a surrogate for the Alpha. You need to take better care of yourself!”

Her reprimand has me cringing, and if I could still feel my wolf, I know she would be standing with her tail in between her legs. Have I not been eating well lately? I don’t even recall not looking after myself like that.

“I didn’t realize my eating habits were so bad,” I admit and pull my legs up to my chest. “I’ve just been under so much stress-”

“I understand, Mia, really I do. In fact, I should have picked up on this before we started with the insemination,” she says with a sympathetic smile. “But after this, we need to get you on a proper diet since your body is housing the Alpha’s heir.”

I blink, and my blood runs cold when the last part of her sentence echoes in my head. Surely I heard that wrong, there’s no way I can be… Goddess, I nearly drop the glass I am holding as the shock truly hits me. Did she just…. Am I?

“The Alpha’s heir?” I ask, with my heart sitting in my throat. How….isn’t it too soon?!

Dr. Lilah nods excitedly and a wide grin splits her face. “I ran the tests while you were passed out and it showed five positive results!” She says and claps her hands together. “I have informed the Alpha, but he’s out of town, unfortunately.”

Pregnant. I’m pregnant already. The thought alone should freak me out, but I think I am too much in shock for it to register yet.

“He will be so pleased, Mia. You fell pregnant on the first course! That just shows we made an excellent decision in choosing you; your body is meant to carry an Alpha’s pup!” She says and rubs my back as her eyes shine with pride.

On the first course… I didn’t expect this.

“What happens now?” I ask, hugging my arms around my body. “Do I stay in this room until I give birth?”

Dr. Lilah collects her things and gets to her feet. “That’s for Alpha Nikolaos to decide. He should be back in a few days’ time; until then you should stay in bed and rest up. Can’t have you fainting like that again.”

I nod and shoot her what I hope is a reassuring smile. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on, don’t worry. There’s a lot at stake and I can’t have the Alpha disappointed in me.”

His scowl is already so frightening.

“Indeed; he’s waited so long for this, too…” she says with a sigh before gesturing towards the drip. “When that is empty, I have advised Josef on what to do to remove it. They will serve lunch in a few minutes, so eat up, then rest up, okay?”

“Yes, Dr. Lilah,” I answer, but something occurs to me as she walks out, so I call her. She turns back to face me with a questioning lift of her eyebrow.

“Have you heard of a wolf spirit going silent for no reason?”


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