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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 103


Someone whistles and Charlotte tosses her hair, something tells me from the way she’s dressed that Dante has managed to tell them that Royce is alive. She now saunters to the front.

“You may probe my mind, but I would do it swiftly, before anything or anyone tries to interfere with the truth.” She says looking at Magdalene confidently.

Mama has already healed Janaina, but she still looks tired and obviously not up to performing the spell once again.

“I’ll do it!” Sephora says standing up and strides over to Charlotte, like a fucking bull ready to attack.

Charlotte cocks a brow, frowning. “Fine, whatever.

Sephora nods as Magdalene frowns but motions for her to carry on.

Seeing a slight movement from the corner of my eyes from Leo, I turn and scan the room realising that in the commotion everyone was now at a location that covered centre ground.

Delsanra and Rayhan were right behind Aleric, Mama was behind Janaina, Azura and Mama Red were to the right and Dad was on the right…

Raihana and Kataleya were standing on either side of Charlotte, and I could tell from the subtle way Kat’s hand was positioned, she was ready to use her trademark move if the need arose.

They created the ultimate barrier around Charlotte, if anyone tried anything, they wouldn’t succeed. She risked a lot to come here, and it is our duty to keep her safe.

Magdalene frowns, as she watches Sephora who whispers the spell with a flare that makes Raihana roll her eyes. She places her fingers on Charlotte’s forehead, and I take a slow deep breath, my innocence is riding on her now. Would this work or would her memory somehow be tampered with?

“Charlotte! What are you doing to her!?” Aleric shouts, about to rush forward when Rayhan grabs his arm.

“Easy there… she’s not going to get hurt.” He says, his voice calm and clear, yet there’s a warning in it.

Aleric glances sharply back at his sister as the room changes back to that night and he pulls free from Rayhan’s hold.

“She better not.” He says venomously.

Hmm, we might need a Who's who is the best-haired Alpha contest. That would be a good way to get people to pay to cast their vote… I push the thoughts away focusing on the scene around me, they’re in a car,

“Someone’s in danger.” My man says as he drives dangerously fast, rushing toward the woods…

They get out of the car, and she’s staring at the dead body near my car, before Royce throws her a sword... She’s now running through the woods… they see the body on the floor, frothing at the mouth…


The sound of hissing and shouts fills the room and then I see myself, in Lycan form, pure white with splashes of blood, claws raised as a bolt of lightning flashes in the sky.

Murmurs ripple through the room.

“Is that a Lycan?”

“That looks like the king’s…”

But I’m tense, knowing what’s to come and sure enough I disappear… intense power blasts around Royce.

His hair whips around his face as his entire body is surrounded by a crackling ice-blue aura almost as if a thousand bolts of lightning are wrapped around him, running through the blade in his hand.

A murmur fills the room as Charlotte cries out in the memory, “Royce!”

Then the invisible Death-Noodle turns, his one good eye focused on Royce… the blinding clash is intense, and we all have to shield our eyes and Royce jumps into the scare.


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