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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 104


Leo looks at Dad who nods.

“Seeing this memory does make me see that this is a necessity… It’s time to make some changes and be prepared for the future.” Dad finishes.

The room is deadly quiet as everyone ponders on this. “And how were the memories so different?” Heather’s mother says, but she seems calmer now.

“Because, for some reason, Apophis wants to create discord, and we have some theories.” Dad says.

“And will you share these? Or keep them from us common folk?”

We all turn and Dad, Rayhan and Raihana frown at Ahren, who smiles innocently as if he hadn’t just asked that question.

“Asking for a friend.” He adds, making some of the quints snicker.

Charlotte cocks a brow. “Boys.” She says with distaste.

I smirk, these kids.

“I do agree with the boy, though.” Magdalene says gravely. “Perhaps it’s time for all of our kind to know what we have been facing.”

Dad nods. “I believe so. I’ll hold an official conference soon, but to answer that question, we have a theory by Alpha Leo himself here. Leo… care to give your insight.”

For the first time, Leo looks surprised. “That was just a hypothesis, based on myth and legend… I’m not sure it’s enough.” He says after a moment as he looks at Dad pointedly.

“Forget your statistics, baby, just tell us.” Azura says, winking at him.

Leo raises an eyebrow before he sits down again and threads his fingers together.

“There’s no proof to back what I am about to say, it is pure assumptions. This beast belongs to Apophis, our seers have confirmed that it is a servant of the snake god, also known as the God of beasts, I’ve been doing some research since the name was first revealed, and if it’s true, then this serpent is nothing in comparison to what else he may have under his control.” Leo begins.

The ominous air in the room continues to grow as we all listen to what he has to say.

“Apep/Apophis/Typhon or whatever the fuck you want to call him, was the enemy of the sun god, Ra/Helios. With the Solaris line now coming to light, also known as the Ardens-”

“Something that we kept private for a reason. How dare you share such information without my father’s knowledge.?” Aleric asks coldly.

I cock a brow. “Is there anything wrong with it? It seems to me you didn’t want this entire thing cleared up either.” I say.

He looks at me, and his eyes soften.


“I’m sorry, Skyla, that is not how I meant it. Just like you being a Lycan was kept private… our heritage is also something we did not want to share,” He says.

“Too late I guess.” Dad says curtly.

Aleric frowns. I wonder what he’s playing at as Leo continues.

“Putting that together, one would assume that whatever Apophis wants is to do with those blessed by Helios… The Solaris bloodline holders.”

“So then why would it try to blame the King’s daughter- our Lycan Princess, who is of the Volkov line, not Solaris, correct?” Rivers says.

The fucker’s looking at me with newfound awe, and I want to pummel him.

You were blaming me too, remember?

“I’m not sure…” Leo says, and the courtroom falls silent as the unanswered question lingers in the air.

Is it because I am Royce’s chosen? Is this a way to get to Royce?

“With everything put before, I would like to ask the jury for their verdict in a case that clearly displays that we are fighting against something far bigger than us.”

“The decision is without a doubt obvious, but as we proclaim Skyla Silara Rossi, the Lycan Princess, not guilty, I would like to put forward that she risked her life to protect those who needed her. Just like her father, she is fighting the immense rage that comes with being a Lycan. For that, I would like to commend you, Princess.” Allen says, and he stands and begins to clap.

Ok… please don’t.

I want to disappear as everyone not already standing stands up and begins clapping, but what really makes me feel fucking better is when Heather looks at me with regret and confusion and mouths an ‘I’m sorry.’

I wink at her. It’s all good… there’s more at play and she was just another pawn in a bigger game.

“We did it.” Dad says as he wraps his arms around me.

“Yeah, thanks to bringing in the wildcard at the right moment.” I say hugging him back.

Dad chuckles, “Actually, that was all Leo.” He says.

I look over to my cousin who has his arms around his woman, with his tongue down her throat, much to Grandad El’s disapproval. Clearly not fucking bothered about the room full of people.

“Thanks Charlotte.” I say.


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