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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 105


A week has passed since I reached Alaska. I miss her so bloody much even though I see her beautiful face every day, and hear her voice, it just isn’t enough.

The plus side that keeps me going is that she was proven innocent. Not only that, but the news of her being also a Lycan had spread like wildfire over the internet, although I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.

Having our own internet service has helped in so many ways and only lately have I found out that it is owned by Leo Rossi himself. The man is a dark horse with an impressive intellect.

Speaking of Leo, he had asked me about summoning Charlotte for the trial if necessary, having a strong feeling that something will go wrong and promising she’ll remain safe.

I trusted him, and of course, I agreed. It was Dante who had asked Mom and her if it would be ok after he had told them that I am alive and well. As well as telling them that I am the Solaris King. Dante had promised he would watch over her. I think I can trust that no one can do a better job at that than him.

As for me, finding the location of the Solaris court is proving a nightmare when you’re meant to be dead. There is no one I can trust enough to turn to. After a long inner battle with myself, I decided to call Jade.

She’s part of one of the Solaris packs and her father is one of the protectors of Solaria, assigned to the court. Each Solaris Pack has to supply a certain number of men to the court.

She may be my ex, but I know she is trustworthy. However, I have been sitting here, wondering whether I should mention this to my Green-Eyed Goddess.

I now stare at my phone. Should I tell Sky?

I massage my temple. I’m meeting with an ex who means nothing to me, but at the same time there’s still a past and I don’t want Skyla not to know about it either.

Yet, at the same time, I didn’t want her to think I’m telling her because it meant something to me.

What’s the right choice to stop your goddess from flipping?

Women… they don’t come with a handbook and sometimes the most innocent of things can trigger them or she might prove me wrong and won’t even bat an eyelid.

My wolf is restless, and I sigh. Who am I kidding? This is Skyla I’m talking about.

“Bloody hell, Royce, just call her.” I mutter to myself.

Better safe than sorry.

I glance at the time. England is 9 hours ahead and it should be nearly 11pm there. We usually talk a little later, but I’m sure she’ll be at my apartment now. I’m glad her dad has got guards stationed around her as mine couldn’t risk it.

She’s also been initiated back into the Night Walkers Pack, Alejandro said until I took my place as Alpha, it was better. I agree.

I hit the video call button and wait for her to answer, and she does soon enough.

I’m met with a gorgeous view of her breasts, my heart skipping a beat as she steps back, and I realise she’s wearing a sexy black bodysuit that makes her look so damn breathtaking that I won’t deny that I throb at the sight of her.

She raises her arms, ruffling her hair, which isn’t in view yet, but the move brings emphasis to her sexy killer curves.

I admire her sexy thighs before she sits down on the bed with a small bounce, crossing her legs.

“Hey, Magic Fingers.”

I’m about to reply when I look up to see she’s cut her hair, getting some front bangs. I let out a low whistle.

“Whoa, you got a haircut, love,” I say appreciatively. It’s sexy and I think it suits her perfectly.

“Yeah, I was a little bored without you here, so I went for a full pamper session, nails, new tats, haircut. I also got keratin treatment on my hair, although I think Ri said magic would have sufficed, but whatever. I thought I could use a break from the curls, and besides, my man has sexy curls for me to enjoy.” She winks at me, and I smirk faintly.

“Well, you look beyond fucking sexy.” I say, glancing at her breasts.


“Wait, you said you got a tattoo?” I ask suddenly, raising an eyebrow. “Where?”

“Mmm yeah, I did. Wanna see?” She says sexily.


Standing up with a smirk on her face, she turns and bends over on the bed on all fours, wriggling her sexy ass.

Alright, if I wasn’t fucking turned on before, I’m supporting a full-on hard-on now. Both thighs have a chandelier-style garter tattoo that looks smoking hot, each one ending with a crescent moon at the bottom, ending just above the back of her knees.

“Whoa, those tattoos are pretty incredible, and really sexy, I can’t wait to admire them in person…” I say, wishing I could run my hands over the goddess before me.


“And this one?” She says, pointing at her ass with a long black stiletto nail. She moves closer to the camera, turning ever so slightly. I’m about to tell her that her ass is hotter than the tats when I spot the small tattoo on it. I lean closer to read it, my eyes widening in surprise.

“Did you…”

“Yup.” She says, tapping her ass as she spins back around to me.

Property of Royce Arden

That’s what the tattoo on her right butt cheek has written on it. The tattoo is small no longer than 4cm.


And it’s a copy of my signature…

It looks fucking good.

“You don’t know how much I wish I was there with you right now, so I can show you exactly how I plan to take care of what’s mine.” I almost growl, trying to control the hunger I have for her.

She bites her lip, her eyes darkened with lust. “I can’t wait…”

Our eyes meet, and video sex doesn’t sound so bad. I mean, it’s not like we didn’t do that every other night, that or the dirty talking, but I fucking want her right now.


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