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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 108


She’s gorgeous. There’s no denying that the woman in front of me is fucking fine. She’s wearing a red dress to her knees, and a cropped black leather jacket. Her eyes are on me, and I don’t need an introduction to know that she is Jade…

“The Lycan King’s… it’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Skyla. I am Owen Benjamin, a protector of the court, and this is my daughter, Jade Benjamin. She’s a warrior and will soon be initiated to become a protector of the court too,” he says proudly.

“Nice… pleasure to meet you, Owen,” I say, holding my hand out to the man. He takes it, but instead of giving it a shake, he touches his forehead to my knuckles and kisses them softly. I cock a brow at Royce, who is frowning slightly. He gives me a small smile.

‘It’s the way the greet those of rank around here,’ he explains.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” she says, holding her hand out to me. She gives me a smile that looks forced, but it doesn’t disguise the sadness in her eyes.

“Likewise,” I reply, accepting the outstretched hand, and giving it a quick shake before I let go.

Our eyes meet, and Owen clears his throat. “Ah well. The car is ready, shall we?” He asks, looking at us. “Jade, sit in the front.”

She nods and quickly moves out of the way as Owen reaches to open the door, but Royce beats him to it, holding it open for me. I can’t help but smirk.

Owen chuckles before he steps back politely and I lock my arms around Royce’s neck, tugging him closer and kissing his lips deeply. His arm instantly wraps around me, and my core knots when his hand squeezes my ass.

‘I like you in no underwear,’ he murmurs, making my pussy clench.

‘Me too… All I’m missing is you yanking this dress up and fucking me all over again.’

‘Don’t worry, Love, I plan to do so tonight,’ he murmurs as we break apart. He holds my hand, helping me into the car and then closes the door before walking around to the other side.

I can see Jade watching him as he walks around the car, but her long hair covers her face. I don’t know what to make of her, but she’s obviously not over him.

Royce gets in, kissing my lips as Owen starts driving.

“I appreciate the effort, Owen,” Royce says, placing his hand on my thigh.

“Not an issue, King Royce… The court is not too happy, but when I mentioned the issues with serpents and Apophis, they agreed. It was a smart suggestion, your majesty,” he says, glancing in the rear-view mirror at Royce. “After all, Apophis is a known enemy of the sun god.”

I frown, was Leo on to something. Royce and I exchange looks.

“There’s a link?” Royce asks.

Owen nods. “I’m sure the court will have more answers, but in the old testaments when Helios resided in Ancient Egypt and went by the name Ra, he and Apophis became enemies. However, it was something that continued for thousands of years. I am not too certain, as there are things that only the court will know. I am sure this is why they agreed,” he explains.

“I see...” Royce replies. He looks incredibly handsome as he sits there, but there is something that niggles at my mind. ‘Leo was on the right track.’

‘I thought the same.’ I reply.

We're all silent but there’s something on his mind, I can see it from the way he’s frowning.


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