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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 109


We reach our destination soon after, but I have no idea where we are going as we drive through an underground tunnel.

Although it is underground, the walls and roof of the tunnel seem to be made of some sort of glittering stone. It’s smoothed with lights running along the entire length.

“Alpha Royce…” Owen says quietly.


“The news may have gotten to your father, although I stressed that this guest – yourself requested this one condition. Not everyone on the council will willingly go against the High Alpha,” he says quietly.

Royce frowns but nods. “I assumed as much.”

Owen looks surprised as Jade turns to look at Royce.

“Not surprising. You know Royce is always ahead, Dad,” she says.

Owen frowns as he looks at his daughter and I can tell they’re mind-linking. No one speaks and Owen clears his throat.

“We will have your back. If there is foul play, I will be there,’ he says.

Unease fills me and I wonder what we’re walking into. Even Royce is frowning deeply.

When we finally get out of the car, we are led through a heavy door and are in a wide hall. It goes on for ages. The marble is a creamy gold here, with golden chandeliers, the halls have no door; it keeps turning right and it’s slightly uphill, we’re going back up.

What was the point in going down then?

Weird place…

A good five minutes later of making our way through the never-ending hall. I realise the walls aren’t just plain marble now, but there are engravings within the marble, emphasised in gold. Werewolves symbolise the moon, but I can see the Solaris hold both the sun and moon in equal importance.

“No offence… but these halls are sacred to the Solaris bloodline. Yet you brought an outsider to the meeting. I am not sure how well that will be accepted-”

“I brought my mate, the future queen of the Solaris people. She is not an outsider,” Royce says sharply.

“The Solaris King is said to not have a mate. She’s your chosen,” Jade replies, looking at him.

Ok bitch, I don’t like you.

My eyes flash as Royce’s aura swirls around us and Owen frowns. I’m about to speak, but Royce’s grip on my waist tightens.

“Chosen or destined, you will never understand what we have. If you continue with this attitude, which is an insult to Skyla and to me, then stay out of our way,” He says, irritation clear in his voice as he glares at her.

“Jade, stay here,” Owen says warningly.

“I’m just saying, the scriptures say, to keep the bloodline of the Solaris people, the king must take a Solaris mate!”

“Enough.” His voice is low, yet it makes my heart skip a beat, the menacing warning sending a shiver down my spine. I’m not sure why the comment triggered him, but his eyes are hard when he looks at Jade. “Don’t question my choices.”

She looks away, bowing her head in submission.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. She looks at me and I roll my eyes.

I’m being nice, I’m being well-behaved, but piss me off and I will speak.

“I apologise on her behalf,” Owen says quietly as we continue through the hall.

“I know it’s her dream to work as a protector of the court… if she continues as she is, then she will be rejected,” Royce replies in warning, and Owen lowers his head.

I see the disappointment in them, and I feel bad for him, it’s not his fault his daughter’s a dumb brat.


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