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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 24


Night has fallen, and I am getting dressed for dinner with Dad, Kat, and Royce. I don’t know why Dad invited him, but it makes me wonder if he ended up hearing us in the office earlier. I hadn’t heard his footsteps; I had been far too distracted… plus his hearing is better than mine… but there’s a high chance he didn’t hear.

I sigh as I pull on a fresh pair of panties, my mind returning to our earlier training session. I had ended up hurting him again in the first half of the session.

Why do I always lose it?

He wants me to calm myself when I begin to get riled up… and today he hadn’t defended himself, in hopes I’d be able to stop myself, but I didn’t – I couldn’t.

He had had to step back at the last moment, and if he hadn’t, I would have scarred that sexy body of his permanently.


I put on some earrings, unable to stop myself from thinking about the second half of our session. The guilt and panic had almost made me tell him my truth and my heart skips a beat as the memory replays in my mind…


“I… I should go. This is a mistake. You can’t help me. I’m just going to hurt you.” I say, turning away, but I don’t get far, only for him to spin me around.

“It’s fine, relax. I’m fine. You’re doing great.” He says calmly.

Is he for real? I’m fucking messing it all up!

“Am I?” I scoff in disbelief. “You’re delusional, or plain stupid.”

“Tell me Skyla, do you spar to win?” Royce says as he lets go of me and picks up his phone.

“What?” I ask, as he switches on some music and sets the volume low - loud enough so we can hear it, but not loud enough to give me a headache.

I like this song.

I look at him, seeing the sweat that coats his body, the blood tainting the air… I have just cut him open, and he’s completely unphased.

“I asked if you spar to win? Do you aim to win?” He repeats.

I cock a brow, crossing my arms. “Obviously. So, stop holding back and just fight. I can handle broken bones. Give me your best.”

He crosses his arms, mirroring my stance as he tilts his head and cocks a brow. “The aim isn’t to break bones but to learn control. Why not try to consider sparring as a dance.”

“A dance?” I question, sceptically.

“Yes, have you ever watched two martial artists compete? A dance of perfection… fluid moves, calculated attacks, smooth reflexes and above all, you can see the art that it is.” He says.

“We fight to survive, fight to kill and fight to protect, not for fun.” I counter, as he circles me.

“We do… but it is also an art, and only the ones who have perfected it, will get far… Those who act in anger will lose more… I know that in a real battle, it’s the survival and rage that fuels one… but in many cases, you need to think with your mind, act with control… Just once, I want you to treat this as a dance.” He says, stopping behind me as he leans closer. “Tell me, can the Rossi Princess dance?”

My heart skips a beat and I remember something Reign said about the Alpha Gen X games back when we first got talking in that chat room. Debating over who will win.

‘Fighting is a dance of art. Let the games begin.’

He had been right. The one who fought with skill won.

“I can.” I reply softly, turning and looking into his eyes. I remember saying to Reign that I wanted to spar with him someday… He had said absolutely, as long as it was in the rain, and I was in something sexy.

I can’t help but smile, missing our light flirting… I look at Royce and make up my mind. I’ll imagine Royce is Reign…

“Then shall we?” He asks, I can feel the heat of his body behind me and I turn my head forward, breaking eye contact. I give a nod and his hand snakes around my waist, brushing my stomach.

Tingles erupt across my skin as his finger curls around my waist. He sure has big hands…

“The aim is to enjoy it, counter, assess, and act… but remember this is not a competition…” He murmurs, his hair tickling the side of my face before he suddenly lets go of me, grabbing my elbow as he spins me out and let's go.

“Let’s dance then.” I say, tossing my hair back as I run at him.


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