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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 25


“Shame I don’t get a treat from the teacher.” I whisper back before I can even stop myself.

Our eyes meet, both of us still breathing hard… and then his gaze flickers to my lips. A faint frown creases his forehead, before he looks away, breaking the moment, and moves back. “Well done… let’s stop there for today.”

He turns his back on me and I shake my head, unable to focus on what had just happened…

“Sure.” I say, turning I grab my stuff and jog out, needing some space.


I look in the mirror, as I put on the royal blue shirt dress. It has buttons down to the waist and I leave them open. I skipped a bra for tonight and I tie a chunky black and gold belt around my waist. Paired with some heeled black boots and smoky eyes. I definitely look good.

“I’ve got to make sure Dad doesn’t think there’s anything between us. I still feel uneasy...” I say to Malevolent as I give her a cuddle and kiss. I finish off with nude peach lipstick and then I grab my bag. “Come on Malevolent… pop inside.”

“Meow.” She jumps into my tote bag and I stroke her.

“Now behave, ok? I don’t think we are allowed pets at the restaurant.” I pat my bag as she purrs and I head out. Dad will be here to collect me soon…


Thirty minutes later, we reach the restaurant and I tuck Malevolent back into the bag.

“Seems he’s on time.” Dad says, glancing out the window, and I spot the white sleek supercar that is parked in a spot a few cars down.

Dad turns back to me, and I don’t react, simply nodding lightly as Kat gets out from the back and I slip out from the front seat.

“I’m so hungry.” She whispers to me, smiling as she brushes her hair back. She looks all pretty in a pale mint dress.

“Me too, I could eat a whole wolf.” I say, it’s damn cold and I wish I had brought a jacket. Although we don’t really feel cold often, it’s really cold tonight, and I can feel it biting into me.


Even the ground is icy.

Kataleya giggles bringing me back to the present as she links her arm with me as she waits for Dad to lead the way inside, I turn as a familiar crisp scent reaches me and see Royce approaching us, he’s in blue jeans and a dark blue button-down shirt that has the sleeves pushed up.

“Never knew we were fucking coordinating,” Dad remarks, glancing between us, and I roll my eyes. “You made it.” Dad adds as Royce and him exchange a handshake and I try not to admire how good he looks.

I can’t believe we are in the same damn colour. Now Dad will just be suspicious.

“I did.” Royce replies to Dad, his voice emotionless. His gaze then turns toward me and Kat, but he doesn’t look at me, instead gives Kataleya a nod before turning his attention back to Dad.

Dad leads the way inside, with Royce a step behind, both men oozing power.


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