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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 26


I want to know too…

I raise an eyebrow as Royce glances away, his gaze flicking to Dad.

“I’m sorry. It’s been a rough evening.” Royce says to him just as a waiter places our drinks down. It irks me how she’s eyeing them both up.

I should tell Mama, it’s pretty fun to see her try to hide her jealousy when it comes to Dad.

“Thank you.” Kataleya says to her with a small smile.

No need to smile at the little perve. Yes, I’m a total hypocrite. I can perve at Magic Fingers all I want…

My gaze falls to his hands. I like the fact that he has big manly hands…

“The food will be here soon. Enjoy.” She smiles, and Royce gives her a nod as Kataleya smiles at her.

No one speaks until she leaves, and Kataleya slides her drink closer to herself.

I turn my attention back to Royce.

I wonder what happened… considering he was completely fine at training.

Dad cocks a brow. “I hope this dinner doesn’t fucking impose on you if you’re not in the best of fucking moods. I don’t want Kenneth saying I tortured his son by forcing him to come out to dinner.” He replies, picking up his glass.

A glimmer of a smile crosses Royce’s lips.

“He doesn’t need to know where I am. Besides, I’m not the type to bail on someone when I promise them I’ll be there.”

I frown slightly, a sting in my chest as my mind drifts to Reign… I wish he didn’t bail on me that night. This entire mess with the Ardens would have been avoided.

“Oh yeah?” Dad says.

Dad rarely misses anything.

‘Sky?’ Kataleya’s voice pulls me from my thoughts and I give her a smile as I pick up my glass.

‘Sorry I got distracted.’ I reply.

She tilts her head, observing me with concern. I know I’m quieter than normal and I need to fix that.

“So, Dad, shall we settle our debt?” I ask, looking over at him.

“You ain’t getting shit from me.”

I frown, “You owe me. I’m counting at 250.”

“How the fuck did you get that number? I ain’t even fucking seen you for long today.” Dad growls.

I smirk, “Oh, by the time the evening is over, you’ll owe me that much or more.” I say confidently, reaching for my glass. Just as Royce reaches for his, we pause and our eyes meet before he looks away first.

I hate that my heart thuds and I can feel Dad’s eyes on me.

I swiftly pick up my glass and take a gulp.

Come on, Sky, do not fuck this up.

The food arrives, and Dad’s back to observing Royce. My mouth waters as I stare down at the incredible food porn in front of me.

Oh, it smells so good…

Kataleya takes a picture of the food and smiles politely at Royce, who moved back, almost as if he didn’t want to get caught in the picture.

“Sorry, I wasn’t taking a picture of you.” Kataleya says apologetically.

“Not at all. I just assumed that I’m ruining the aesthetic. My sister takes pictures of everything religiously and hates when we ruin her photos.”

Oh, baby, you can ruin a lot more than my photos.

I shake my head, pushing that thought away.

“Oh, it’s ok!” Kataleya blushes as she smiles at him. “I was just getting the food in.”

“You have a sister?” I ask curiously.

Royce’s gaze snaps to mine and there’s a slight shift in his eyes but it’s very subtle. Maybe I’m being paranoid…

“Yes, I have a sixteen-year-old sister who takes so many pictures that if she’s ever kidnapped, we would find her because of all the photos she leaves in her wake.” He says lightly.

Kataleya’s smile falters, and I know what’s going through her mind. The same thing that has crossed mine. Although it happened a long time ago, the trauma of being kidnapped doesn’t leave a person…

Royce frowns slightly at the change in her expression, but I don’t think he knows.

Kataleya was kidnapped a long time ago, and it took years for her to stop having those nightmares… that’s when I started being the strong one, trying not to bother anyone with my emotions and troubles because she’s been through a lot more than I ever have.

“That’s good then,” Kataleya says, still holding her gentle smile strongly. “What’s her name? Does she attend one of the academies?”


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