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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 53


The moment he cups the back of my neck, his fingers threading into my hair, my heart leaps. His grip is firm but not rough. There’s enough strength to show me he’s in charge, yet not so rough that I can’t relish and enjoy the feel of his touch on me.

And then his lips are on mine, making every thought leave my head, replaced by intense passion and pleasure. I feel giddy and light-headed as intense tingles rush through me, sending a jolt straight to my pussy.

I can’t help but whimper against his lips.

Lord… I get it…

Fuck, I get why I can’t get over him since that moment in the club.

This man has magic in his every touch.

He kisses me slowly yet deeply, every brush of our lips igniting a volcano of heat and desire within me. It’s even hotter knowing he’s trying to control himself. He doesn’t kiss me to satisfy himself; he kisses me in a way that makes my toes curl from the pleasure.

I moan against his lips helplessly, feeling like I’m in heaven.

God, he’s such a good kisser…

I run my hand down his chest, savouring the feel of his perfect body beneath my fingertips.

His arm tightens around my waist, the thumb of his other hand caressing my cheek.

Fuck, he may be ice but he’s fire…

My entire body is burning with emotions and heat, and my stomach is fluttering.

The moment his tongue runs along my lower lip, I part them, allowing him entrance.

My pussy clenches with dangerous desire, wanting more. I pull my legs under me, getting up on my knees, wanting to close the gap between us.

He ravishes my mouth before he plays with my tongue sensually.

I whimper against him. The kiss has shifted, from passionate and deep to dangerously erotic. There’s something so sexy yet dirty with the way he’s teasing me. I’m wet, fuck I can feel it under this gown.

He pulls me into his lap, making me gasp, but he cuts me off, plunging his tongue into my mouth, sucking on my tongue, his large hand squeezing my peach.

Oh yes, Daddy, just like that.

Who would have thought he’d be the one to pull me into his lap first…

I cup his face with my hands, kissing him harder and he allows me to. His hands run up and down my back before resting them on my ass.

He isn’t so innocent. After all, he’s the same hunk from the club who was such a tease…

I sigh softly, my arousal scenting the air as I sit on his lap, whimpering when I brush against his cock.

I really don’t care if he can smell me, and the low guttural growl that escapes him, tells me he does.

Baby, I’ll do whatever you want me to…

I moan when his cock throbs against my pussy, and I press down on him.

Oh fuck, he’s only in sweats… I can feel him…

My heart thunders as I break away, gasping for air, trying not to grind against him. His lips brush my jaw as he places soft sensual kisses down my neck, but when his lips meet the corner of my neck, I feel lightheaded.

He sucks on the most sensitive part, sending pleasure through me that I can’t help but moan loudly.

“Fuck…” I whimper.

My hand twists in his hair, and he throbs against me. His hands squeeze my ass before he places a soft kiss on top of where I know he’s left a hickey.

“Yeah… fuck.” He says breathlessly, in that sexy accent of his.

Our hearts are thundering, and I know the reality of what we have just done has settled in. His nose brushes my neck, and I bite my lip, trying to not feel so giddy.

Fuck, when did I turn into a little girl feeling like mush?

I’m not sure… but I feel totally weak right now and it’s definitely not because I almost became snake food.

I don’t move, my hand still on his shoulder, the other still cupping the back of his neck.

Will he pull away?

I smirk when his hand runs up my ass once more.

Does the Ice Prince like my booty?

I arch my back, pressing myself against him and letting him enjoy feeling me up, because baby, I’m enjoying it just as much.

“Shoot.” He mutters, taking a deep breath before exhaling and moving back slightly.

He tilts his head up and looks into my eyes.

Those gorgeous grey that I truly love look into mine and I know reality is sinking in, yet I can’t deny they hold so much emotions.

“You’re the guy I want to kiss again and again… Don’t pull away…” I whisper seductively, as I search his eyes, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear.


“Don’t you want me…?” I murmur, brushing my thumbs across his chiselled jaw.

He truly was carved to perfection… I can feel the slight prickle of the start of a very faint stubble beneath my fingertips.

He smiles faintly and even that makes him look sexy, his dimples appearing on both cheeks.

“That would be a lie, but if your father shows up, I may end up as nothing more but dead meat.” He says,

I can’t help but smirk, pressing my lips against his.

‘Not on my watch.’ I whisper, pushing that through the bond. I feel the dull ache in my head for using that link and I know I’m overexerting myself.

I’m just not used to feeling so…weak.

He smiles slightly against my lips as he kisses me back, his hands wrapping around my waist firmly.

“Alright, Little Miss Feisty…” He murmurs, but before I can deepen it, the faint sound of Mama talking to someone reaches my ears, and I pull back.

“Mama.” I whisper to him, quickly sliding off his lap, almost tumbling off the bed in the process.

But my Winter God saves me, grabbing hold of me and places me on the bed.

He’s busy moving the sheet back when my gaze falls on his package.

Oh yes, please…

I reach down and steal a quick feel of his semi-hard cock, giving him a playful wink and smirk when he throbs in my hold.

He tilts his head, moving back as he narrows his eyes. I place a finger to my lips, and it’s obvious from his glance towards the door that he can now hear them too.

He sits down on the chair, much to my dismay, even though he reaches out and takes my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“You were brave out there, reckless and dangerous, but incredible.” He says quietly and I can tell he means it.


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