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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 54


I don’t miss the frown on Alejandro’s face when he hugged Skyla or the way his frown deepened when his eyes flick to me. He can probably smell me all over her…

I can’t blame him for being protective, but he doesn’t need to fear me hurting her…

I know I need to talk to him, I’m ready to resign from my spot at the academy, but at the same time do I want her in that school where Aleric will still play his games? I plan to tell her about him. I have to.

She looks beautiful, there’s not a speck of make-up on her face, and it makes her features glow radiantly. She has long thick lashes that surround those vivid green eyes. Her nose is slender and her plump pouting lips that are often in smirk are a gorgeous soft pink…

I glance at the door as Skyla greets her uncle, Marcel Rossi. He’s a few years older than Alejandro and I heard recently he has found his second chance mate. Rumour has it she’s far younger than him.

He has his hair up in a man bun, wearing tan pants, and a white shirt with his sleeves pushed up. He steps aside, holding the door open for a slim woman. She’s wearing a knee-length dress.

Her golden blond hair is styled in an updo, but what strikes me the most is I’m sure I’ve never seen her before, but she seems familiar, as if I’ve seen her somewhere.

“Hi, Winona.” Skyla says with a sexy smirk, “Damn girl, you look fine.”

I cock my brow. Does this doll need to flirt with everyone?

I glance back at Winona, who blushes in response, as the couple walk over to the bed.

“Glad to see you’re doing fine. You gave us all a fright.” Marcel says hugging his niece.

The Rossis have a distinct look to them. You could probably enter a room and know which one is a Rossi, but then again it’s the same with us Ardens.

Charlotte takes a sip of her hot chocolate, still holding the other one as she observes them all.

“I’m perfectly fine. So what are you two doing here?” Sky replies, sounding pretty normal, but I know she’s still not one hundred percent.

“Alejandro called to fill us in and we were in town on a date. We heard you were hurt, and so we wanted to come to see you. I hope we are not imposing.” Marcel says as Kiara meets Winona with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Not at all.” Kiara says with a smile.

“Dang, Dad, did you need to ruin their date? Uncle’s going to have blue-balls for the rest of the night. Ah, poor uncle, even I’d have blue balls if I had balls,” Skyla says, winking at Winona, who blushes, and I look away trying to hide my smile.

This girl.

I know her uncle thinks she’s teasing, and she probably is, but there’s definitely truth in her words. She finds the woman hot.

Does she have a thing for blondes?

Marcel chuckles as Kiara shakes her head, smiling.

Marcel now turns to me, and Alejandro steps forward. “Marcel, Royce Arden, the younger of Kenneth’s twins.” He says.

It’s clear he knows Dad too, but he is also on the council.

“Ah. Nice to meet you, son.” Marcel says, holding his hand out to me.

I stand up and accept his offered hand. “It’s an honour to meet you, Alpha Marcel,” I say as he gives it a firm shake.

“Likewise. Thank you for saving our feisty princess. We are indebted to you.” Marcel says as Alejandro scoffs.

I glance at him before politely turning to the woman beside Marcel.

Why does she look so familiar? Have I seen her before? It’s a little irritating not knowing.

“Luna Winona, nice to meet you.” I say smoothly, holding my hand out to her.

“Nice to meet you too, Alpha Royce.” She says, smiling politely as she takes my hand gracefully.

The moment her hand touches mine, an odd sensation washes over me and she looks up sharply, her heart thudding. Her eyes flicker a deep amber gold as I let go quickly.

She’s a Solaris…

I felt her power. It’s not as strong as some of ours, but she does hold Solaris' blood.

I look away, feeling all eyes on us.

“My sister Charlotte,” I say, cupping Charlotte’s shoulders, gently pushing her forward. She’s holding both cups, looking a tad ridiculous.

“Nice to meet you.” Winona says, giving her a small wave.

“Thanks, same!” Charlotte murmurs as Marcel gives her a grin.

A strange silence falls in the room, and I dare to take a glance at Skyla. She’s frowning slightly, watching me intently.

I hope no one picked up on our strange exchange.

I raise my eyebrows at her, and her frown vanishes. Instead, she lets her gaze trail over my torso, licking her lips.

Seriously Love, in front of your Dad?

As if on cue, Alejandro growls. “Someone get him a fucking shirt.”

“Luckily, there’s no one to give him one.” Sky remarks, as she and Charlotte snicker and I’m actually wishing I did have a shirt right now. This Doll’s going to get me killed at this rate.

“You really like to rile your father up.” I remark, trying to lighten the mood.

“Who me? Not at all.” She winks.

I know you better than you think.

And I need to tell you I’m Reign…


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