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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 55


I walk over to her, taking her hand and raising it to my lips, keeping my eyes locked with hers, I place a soft kiss on her knuckles.

I'm satisfied when her heart skips a beat, her pout fading as she looks into my eyes, not expecting me to do that.

“Goodbye.” I say softly before I step back and turn away.

“Bye…” She replies.

Did I just leave her speechless?

I don’t think she realised that I’m not scared of her father. I respect him, but it’s not the same thing.

“I’ll see you out.” Alejandro grumbles.

Well, one thing is probably clear. He didn’t seem to mind before, but he probably hates me now.

“Play nice, Dad.” Skyla warns.

Alejandro turns back to look at her from the door and both stare at one another and I know they’re mind-linking.

I step out and see Charlotte far ahead, walking down the hall sipping on her hot chocolate.

I know she likes the freedom without two guards glued to her constantly. Even if it’s just down a hospital hallway.

At home, if we were ever ill, the doctors would come to the mansion, not us going to the hospital. As for Charlotte, she’s never allowed out of the pack unless she’s with her guards or Dad, me or Aleric are present.

Aleric… I told Mom he’s preying on students… What the hell am I doing right now?

Way to go Royce.

I sigh as I walk silently alongside Alejandro, knowing he’ll speak soon enough. We head down the stairs to the ground floor and only then does he speak.

“So care to share what exactly you fucking want?” Alejandro asks.

Your daughter? Although want isn’t the word I would use.

“I think that depends on what you mean by ‘want’” I reply lightly.

“Don’t play dumb, unless of course you and Sky both decided to get lip fillers in the short fucking time I was gone from the room. I know what you two were fucking up to.” He growls and I can’t help but smile faintly.

Lip fillers?

That’s a new one.

But I become serious once again and look at him.

“I actually want to talk to you about that…” I say quietly. “I never meant to abuse the position I was in… if you see fit, I will step down as one of the trainers at the school.”

He frowns and stops, looking at me, crossing his arms. “Oh yeah? So you’re not going to deny shit?”

“No. I like your daughter and despite trying to keep my feelings separate from my professional job, after tonight… I can’t.” I say quietly, looking him square in the eye.

It’s clear he wasn’t expecting me to admit it.

He takes out a cigarette, glancing at Charlotte, who is sipping her hot chocolate down the corridor. Lighting the cigarette, he takes a long drag and looks me dead in the eye.

“She’s eighteen. She could find her mate in around two months or even the following Blood Moon. Nothing is going to come of this. You’re what, in your mid-twenties?”

“Twenty-five, yes, but age is just a number. I’m not asking for your approval, Alpha Alejandro, but if you prefer me to leave the academy, I will. I can continue to train her if she so wishes.”

He frowns, taking another drag on his cigarette. “Train, yeah right. Look, I’m going to be frank with you… I can’t control either of you… and I’m trusting Kiara's and my own intuition that you are not like your father… but I’m telling you, know that if you hurt my girl…”

He leaves his threat open, and I cock a brow.

“I will not hurt her, I can promise you that. I have a question… If you don’t trust my father, why have you allowed him on the council?”

His eyes meet mine and he frowns. “Good question, and not one I want to discuss here… you said Skyla won’t get hurt… what if your mate shows up?”

I feel a squeeze in my chest.

“That won’t happen.” I say quietly, turning away. If that was the case, I would wish for her to be my mate. I’ve never felt so strongly about anyone before, but I know she’s not. “Goodnight Alpha Alejandro, let me know what you decide and I will respect your decision.”

He doesn’t respond, and I can feel him watching me as I walk over to Charlotte.

“Bye Alpha King!” She says waving at Alejandro.


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