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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 58


“Like real men, let’s spar, pretty boy.”

He gets out of the car, and I stare at the younger man, who is as tall as me. He has similarities in looks to his father, but so far I hate to admit I haven’t gotten that same vibe from him that I get from Ken-Fucking-Arden, but still, he is ultimately an Arden…

He throws me… the way he is completely not fucking affected by me.

There’s only a small handful of people who can withstand my aura. Yet there is something about this one that is even more unnerving. There’s not even a blink of unease from him.

There have been moments I’ve let all my aura out, yet shockingly, he didn’t even realise, and I assure you the fucker isn’t that dense that he was just dumb or some shit, just somehow… it doesn’t affect him… my aura does nothing.

But I also don’t sense vast power from him, so how is he doing it?

He killed something that no one was able to kill, the serpent… Even until now, I don’t get how a single sword killed that shit. There has to be more to it.

He shuts the door of his fucking sleek car. How the fuck did he just climb out of a sports car looking as if he wasn’t just cramped into that shit?

No wonder Skyla fell for the fucker… he’s just fucking smooth and slick.

Like I said, pretty boy.

“I really don’t mind sparring with you, Alpha Alejandro, but can I ask the reason behind it?”

Why? Cause I want to fucking pummel you ever since I found out you kissed my daughter?

“I’m just wondering what makes you think you’re worthy of my daughter. But why the fuck are you asking me that? You’re not scared, are you?”

As long as he doesn’t bring up the fact, he saved her last night. I mean that kinda makes him worthy to some fucking level.

Yeah, let’s not mention that shit.

“Not at all. I just need to know so I can decide the outcome of this match.” He says calmly, but the arrogance in that remark makes me scoff.

He isn’t as innocent as I assumed…

“Oh yeah kid, you have confidence. I’ll give you that.” I snicker mockingly. “So let me put it this way, if you lose, you don’t get to see Skyla, you will take your ass and shiny car and drive right out the way you came and if you win, and only if you win, can you go and see her and give her whatever shit you brought for her.”

He smiles faintly. “Then I apologise in advance. However, I do have a request.” He says, locking his car and slipping his keys into his pocket.

“Oh yeah? And what is that?” I ask, tossing my cigarette to the ground and crushing it beneath my foot.

His grey eyes scan the area around us before they meet mine.

“Can we make sure we don’t have an audience?”


“Are you fucking shy or some shit?”

He doesn’t reply.

He’s serious…

Well, I don’t give a fuck either way.

I turn my head slightly.

“I want everyone to clear out.” I command. My eyes blaze red and I look Royce straight in the eyes as I feel the few scattered guards back away.

Prescott won’t mind. The fucker is a good old fucker.


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