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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 59


I dig my claws into the ground, jumping up as I growl, running at him. This time, I manage to knock him to the ground. But he instantly uses it to his advantage, throwing me over his shoulder and getting up.

In a flash, I’m in front of him, and I don’t hold back, just the way I don’t with Dante. That fucker is the only one who can beat my ass.

But despite my ruthless attacks, I’m unable to wrap my head around how Royce Arden is so strong.

I’m breathing hard, my eyes burning red and even when I kick him in the stomach, not once do his eyes change from their usual grey. As if this is just a game to him.

I don’t want to draw blood, but I need to see him lose control. I want to see his truth.

“Time to end this fucker.” I growl.

In a flash, I’m in front of him, my claws coming out, one hand grabbing his neck, the other ready to slash through his chest and that’s when his eyes flash a dazzling blue.

“Not so fast!” His cold reply comes.

He grips my hand that is around his neck tightly. The other hand shoots out and grabs my neck, as he brings his knee up, stopping me from ripping through his chest.

Our eyes lock, red against bright blue. We’re in a deadlock, a battle of strength alone and this is not one I usually lose… but right now, I’m losing.

Growling, I reinforce my hold, my aura swirling around me like a dark cloak, and that’s when I feel it, a surge of power as his eyes meet mine. Immense power.

Suddenly he kicks me off him, pain rushes through my stomach and chest and I don’t fucking know what happened, but the next thing I know, I’m thrown against the hospital wall, pain shooting through my entire fucking body from the impact.

He gets to his feet, brushing his fingers through the hair that has come loose from his hair tie, breathing hard.

I move forward, hissing as I realise something is fucking broken.

I look up sharply to see his eyes are back to normal, and there’s a glimmer of concern in his eyes as he walks over to me.

I get to my feet cause like fuck am I going to let him think he’s done any fucking damage; I’m healing already anyway.

“This ain't over yet, fucker.” I say with a smirk. “I’m having fun.”

He isn’t amused though, as he glances at my chest. “You have several fractured bones, Alpha Alejandro… do we really need to continue this?”

“Like shit we are. I’m not fucking done yet.”

He raises an eyebrow and exhales.

Wait, did this fucker just act like I’m fucking getting on his nerves?

“Hey what you fucking sighing about?”

“You really are stubborn, just like your daughter.” He remarks.

“Yeah, well, unlike her I ain't falling for your shit!” I lunge at him, knocking him to the ground. He grunts as the breath is knocked from him. His head hits the floor.

He was fucking right, something is still broken inside of me.

I grit my teeth as another wave of pain rushes through me.

He blocks my punch, rolling over until he’s on top, but instead of getting a punch in, he gets off me, and instead grabs my arm and twists it behind my back, his knee pressing against my upper back.

“I’m really not enjoying this, so can we call it a draw?” He says breathlessly.

A draw? A fucking draw? I just got my fucking ass beat by a fucking Arden.

That fucking hurts my ego.


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