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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 88


He doesn’t fight back and that just angers me even more and I keep hitting his chest. I’m about to break.

I need them gone! I need to be alone.

“Get out! Everyone get out.” I say, my command rolling through my voice.

“Sky.” Azura tries, but I don’t want to hear it.

None of them fucking moves!

“I said get the fuck out!” I scream, feeling my canines grow, and my claws come out as I glare at them all.

Kataleya is the only one hesitating, wanting to listen and I can tell my command is affecting all three, but they’re also fucking strong enough to defy me.

I’m about to shove Dante again, when a hand gently wraps around my wrist, making my heart thunder, as sparks sizzle through me, and my gaze snaps to the bed.


His gorgeous grey eyes are half open as he looks at me through his lashes. The lightning is no longer rippling through him.

“You’re rather loud, Love.” He says, his voice hoarse and I almost collapse in relief, a surge of relief and happiness rushing through me.

I hear Azura and Kataleya gasp in relief, but I’m far too emotional to care, or consider the others in the room anymore.

“You’re awake!” I say, turning and raising his hands to my lips. “Thank fuck!”

I kiss his hand, my heart pounding. I want to hug him; I want to hold him close, but I know he’s hurting.

He tugs me close, and although I want to protest that he’s injured, he pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He kisses the top of my head. Despite being weak, there are so many emotions going through him.

His hand grips the side of my face and the back of my neck as his lips meet mine in a smouldering kiss.

My eyes flutter shut as I kiss him back, I almost lost him… how terrifying is life that at any moment, anything can happen?

He’s displaying calmness, even the beating of his heart is steady, but the way his chest is heaving tells me he’s trying to control his emotions.

The enticing taste of his mouth, the passionate caress of his lips. His tongue plunges hungrily into my mouth as he devours me entirely.

A soft moan escapes my lips and intense pleasure rushes through me, making me press my thighs together.

But our kiss is put to an end when Leo and Dante both clear their throats.

“I would fucking like to give the two of you a moment, but how about we first discuss what the fuck happened out there?

I sensed the serpent’s aura, yet you were shot, five times in total. Two entirely different things. Which doesn’t add up…” Leo says, now standing up.

Royce pulls away and I almost growl but settle for glaring at Dante and Leo as Royce looks around, as if only now realising where he is, assessing the situation and his own state.

“You’re at the Sangue pack.” I explain, trying to get out of his lap, not wanting to hurt him, but he refuses to let me go.

I see Kataleya and Azura watching me, and Azura wiggles her brows at me. I smile weakly at her.

Royce sighs and a heaviness seems to settle in the room as we all become serious while we wait for Royce to answer.

“Quade. The man who was with me, where is he?” He asks.

“His body is in a separate room. I’m afraid he was dead when I got there and there was nothing we could do.” Leo says.

Royce looks down, and his hair curtains his face. I squeeze his arm gently, wishing I could do more.

“I thought so, but I was hoping for a miracle… I presume you saved me then.” Royce says, looking up at Leo again and their eyes meet.

Leo pulls out a cigarette and lights it, before placing his other hand around Azura’s waist and jerking his head at Dante and Kataleya.

“It was a team effort, but you pretty much held on yourself… you were shot with bullets of such calibre that you should have been dead the moment they fucking touched you. You survived five. I’m fucking impressed.” He says, his voice is cold and cutting but there’s a compliment in his words.

Royce frowns. “He said something along those lines.” He says.

There’s a glimmer of hurt in his eyes before he rests his head back against the bed and closes his eyes.

I’m not sure who he means by ‘he.’

“Quade’s really dead…”


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