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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 89


Ah, to be free from his pathetic existence. Royce was as good as dead when I left him and now… now I wait for the glorious news to come when Dad feels the pack link break and I know my deed is done!

I’ve always tried to be a good brother to him, always made Dad focus on me so he could do whatever he wanted!

Yet, he acted as if he had no interest in power or the Alpha position, but he did! How sly of him to pretend that he didn’t care, only to try to get ahead of me. He was a manipulative, fake, sly bastard!

The fact he had such power and kept it from me shows he just wanted to get one up on me. He was plotting to overthrow me. That bastard has been biding his time.

I clench my fists as I walk up the mansion steps, the warm lights of the mansion bathe over me. My mansion, all of this is mine, the title of alpha, the Arden businesses, and all the Arden assets.

All are mine.

Is this how it feels to be at peace? With the so-called prophesied King out of the way, the title of High Alpha will be mine.

Stepping inside, Charles bows his head to me, as he welcomes me home, but I don’t reply. I can hear Mother’s shouts of anguish.

Have they already found out that he’s dead?

That’s faster than I presumed, considering I know Apophis wants the body.

I do feel bad for her. I caused her some pain, but she’ll be fine. Pasting a look of concern on my face, I stride swiftly to the lounge.

“I can’t get in contact with Royce! Brenda said Quade went to meet him! Find my son!” Mother’s screams ring through the marble hallways.

I enter through the archway to see she’s being held back by two guards as Dad paces around, a phone to his ear, before he pulls it away and types something, a deep frown on his face.

“Unhand my mother.” I say calmly to the two guards. They don’t agree, and it takes my all to hide my irritation.

The men look at Dad but refuse to listen, waiting for his command.

“She wants to go to find Royce, and I can’t get in contact with him. Have you spoken to him? I felt two pack links break.” Dad says quietly, looking up at me. He’s pale, and although he’s talking calmly, I can sense he is far more worried than I had thought he would be.

Two pack links….

My heart thuds with excitement. He’s dead! I did it!

“No, I haven’t.” I reply with concern. “When did you feel the pack link break?”

“Close together. We need to confirm Royce is alright.” Dad says, his pale eyes on me.

He’s long dead… but Dad’s concern is disturbing me a little. Why is he so concerned? He has me! It’s not like Royce would have listened to him.

“Aleric! Your brother! Find him!” Mom shouts, her eyes blazing as she throws the men off her. “Do not touch me!”

I cock a brow. I often forget she’s powerful, but she suits being and acting like a lady far more.


“Dare defy me and I will not hold back!” She adds, her chest is heaving as she brushes a few strands of her hair back and fixes her shirt before turning to Dad and I. “Either one of you find my son, or I will do it myself!”

“I’ll find him Mother, Royce will be fine.” I say, “Have we pinpointed either of the broken pack links?”

Dad glances at me. “Quade. He’s dead, Brenda felt it, she felt him die.” He frowns, looking at the rug before throwing his phone down.

“No one has seen Royce, for god’s sake!” Mom shouts.

“I’ll organise a search. We’ll find him.” I say, as Dad goes over to her and pulls her into his arms, stroking her hair.

“I already have. Catherine…I assure you he’s fine. Royce is not weak. He cannot be dead. He is my son, and he is powerful.” He says quietly, his face grave.

Hmm, indeed. Far more concerned than I predicted.

Don’t have so much confidence in your son, father… He’s dead, powerful, or not. I have powers that he can only dream of!

“I’ll go find him. Father is right. Royce is probably hanging with one of the random women he goes to, or a club. Typical Royce. I’ll go join the search too. You should comfort Brenda, mother, as a Luna should. Please take your responsibilities seriously. The fact we lost Beta Quade…”

“Do not tell me what to do, Aleric! I have made sure Brenda’s close ones are with her and I will also go, but my son… is missing.”

Always a favourite…

Resentment flits through me as Dad says something about Quade.

It really is a shame, he was a good man, but for whatever reason he was meeting Royce… now that’s something I wish I knew about… maybe I’ll do some digging…

I turn, as Mom demands Dad go out there to join the search as well, or she will.

They can try all they want. I’ve already gotten rid of his car… I’m sure no one else knows anything, or someone would have told Dad by now.


I head out again. Although I have no plan to search for Royce, I have to keep up the front that I am. Perhaps I will go enjoy myself at a human club. There’s nothing better than taking a few men and women to bed simultaneously. The more the merrier…

I get into my car trying not to smile. The alpha title is mine. I will convince Father I can run both the pack and court perfectly. I will be the strongest Alpha around.

The power I have will only increase tenfold on the next blood moon… I have fulfilled half of our deal and after I fulfil the next half, he will give me everything I could have dreamed of!

Ah… to be touched by a God…

The memory of our first meeting crosses my mind, and I can’t help but feel excitement rush through me. A God, a god chose me!

(Flashback- A Few Weeks Ago)

‘What do you seek?’


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