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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 98


It’s a few hours later and Dad, Ri, Liam, and I are in the human city, in a small coffee shop that is nestled away in the corner of the town on a quiet street.

Country music is playing softly in the background and although it isn’t my type of music, I can’t deny that it makes me want to tap my foot along to it.

Raihana has put a spell around us, so no one can hear what we are saying as we discuss the goings ons over hot drinks and a variety of desserts including cream cakes, donuts, and biscuits. A conversation which is completely the opposite of the warm ambience of the café.

“The body was in a bad state.” Liam says, pulling a face from where he’s sitting beside me. Dad is opposite me where he is sitting next to Ri.

Malevolent is under the table, rubbing against my legs as Ri stirs her coffee, her head resting on Dad’s shoulder.

Neither Ri nor I had seen Zayn’s body as she had said she didn't want to. I had wanted to, but both Dad and Liam agreed I didn’t need to see it.

“So uncle, was it that bad?” I ask Liam.

“Yeah, it was… but I still feel the piece of fabric in his hand was not torn in a struggle. It could have just been put there…” He says and the other two nod their agreement.

“What colour was it?” I ask as I take a donut from the centre of the table.

“It was too grimy to see, but I’ve got pictures and the body will be viewed again.” Dad says as two men walk past and shamelessly glance over at Raihana’s boobs as they walk past, but one cold glare from Dad makes them pick up speed and move along.

Idiots, but got to give them points for bravery considering that even with our auras reigned in, humans can still sense our abilities, and everyone has been casting glances our way.

“He’s been dead for far too long to be fucking overlooked. Didn’t his parents bother to check up on him? That’s shady-as-fuck,” Dad says.

“I’ve already contacted Rayhan, the investigation team. They’ll look into it.” Liam says.

“And Leo’s requested for the body to be sent to him to run some of his own tests.” Dad says.

“Oh? Was the council ok with that?” Raihana asks.

Dad smirks. “They’ve taken an excellent liking to him, to the point I’m hearing; what does Alpha Leo think or suggest? The fucker’s smart, I’ll give him that.”

Liam smiles slightly. “Yeah, he is, once you get past his anger.” He says.

I glance up at him as he smiles down at me, knowing he was the one who had found Azura after her rejection.

In fact, after he had felt the pack link break, the first person he had tried to make sure was safe was her… Mama Red had calmed him down, saying Azura was fine… yet… Azura told me that when Liam had found her in that state, she’d never forget the look in his eyes…

Leo fucked up and although he’s perfect for her, for Liam, that memory will stick, but then again, he’s always hard on himself.

I know from a convo I had overheard between Aunty Raven and Mama that he still feels guilty and regretful for the way he had marked Aunty Raven.

The only difference is, Leo was angry and held resentment towards our packs, but Uncle Liam? He was fucking cursed by a god, heck how do you fight that?

His actions were because of darkness through a curse. Yet even though he was cursed by a god, he managed to break it.

Ironically that God was Helios, and he cursed him for something his ancestor did.

Helios… isn’t it interesting? Helios cursed my uncle, yet blessed Royce. It’s interesting how gods worked.

Another thing that worries me is what the witches said regarding Apophis. What if somehow, I’m cursed, or end up cursed and… I don’t even want to think about it.

“Skyla?” I look up when Dad calls me. “You ok?”

“Yeah, I was thinking…”

I nod, clearing my thoughts as I try to think back to what colour I was wearing the day I lost control, but I can’t fucking remember.

“I shifted on school grounds one of the days before Royce got to me. What if they used my clothes from that day. I mean, we leave our clothes lying around everywhere, it could have been any time.” I say, taking a cream cake.

“Ok Royce, hold that thought. I’m coming back to it.” Raihana says, pointing one of her long acrylics at me. “But also, that is a very valid point regarding your clothes.”


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