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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 99


“Who?” I ask curiously.

“Not for you to fucking know.” He replies with a smirk, and I wonder who he means, the way he said Dante gets the Alpha position… then who does he mean?

Raihana sighs, running her fingers through her hair. “Long day?” Dad asks, putting his arm around her shoulders. She leans against him and picks up her coffee, smiling up at him.

“Yeah, Heaven’s powers are manifesting and they’re taking a toll on her and it’s only making her anger worse.” She says. “I’m sure I was never this bad.”

“Raf had a way to get through to you.” Dad says.

She nods, a sad smile on her lips.

“Yeah, I was Daddy’s little girl.” She says, looking away for a moment, but I’m certain her eyes are glistening.

The original Rossi Princess, the first-born daughter of the next generation and she is definitely a princess.

Dad pulls her closer, kissing her forehead. He’s always been that father figure to her, especially after Uncle Raf died…

I didn’t know him… but it hurts, the way everyone spoke about him made that clear enough that he was a true gem.

“I’m sure Heaven will get used to it. It must be hard on her. She’s only young, but if you need a break or think she can use one, send her over.” He replies,

“Thanks.” She says with a nod before she turns to me. “So, this Royce, have you got a picture?”

“Of course I do. My man is fine.” I say proudly, much to the annoyance of Dad.

“He ain't anything special.” He says, making Liam smile, amused.

Smirking, I take my phone out and unlock it, holding up a picture of my sexy Ice God for Raihana to see.

She sits forward, taking the phone from me. “Oh, he’s sexy! Now that is a good-looking man, but I do have a thing for blond men.” She says.

Dad scoffs, “Yeah, probably only after your mate turned out to be fucking blond.” He says, making Liam stifle a chuckle.

Earning himself a glare from Raihana. “Not at all. I was like six and I liked Liam, but he was always running after his little doll of a mate, even back then.” She waves her hand, making me look between them, surprised.

Even Liam looks shocked. “Me? But there was nothing special about me.” He muses, looking genuinely surprised and confused.

I raise an eyebrow as Dad snickers.

Ah, there’s the dense side of my adorable uncle.

“I fucking agree.”

I glare at Dad. “Be nice to my uncle.” I say, and Liam smiles at me, placing an arm around my shoulders.

“Well, you were nice. You would do things Rayhan got frustrated with, like my shoelaces and you would slow down when we were out in the fields so I could keep up. I liked you.” Raihana says reminiscing about the past, making Liam smile.

“Now thinking about it, you were a little princess even back then. There was you, who didn’t want to get dirty or have your dress ruined. Kia, well with her ankle at times. I knew she was in pain and used to get worried. Then there was Raven. She was tiny, and she acted too big for her boots, often overestimating her abilities.” He smiles softly at the reminder of his mate. “I guess I just wanted to make sure everyone was alright.”

Aww, cute.

“And he’s clearly been in love with her for ages.” Dad remarks.

“Well, I used to write you anonymous notes.” Raihana says, smirking.

“Ah… I thought they were from Kia and Raven, making fun of me…”

She cocks a brow. “Really?”

He looks at her apologetically and Dad snickers. “Well, glad he didn’t fucking notice. Rossi women don’t belong to Westwood men.”

“Dad! That’s annoying.” I say, making him chuckle.

“Oh, don’t speak too soon, Liam has five sons and you have grandnieces.” I taunt Dad, whose smile vanishes.

“They’re too fucking young.” He growls.

Ah, if only he knew, we aren’t that innocent.


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