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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 410

185 Ayla 

As soon as the six of us entered the pack kitchen, conversations stopped and everyone stepped eating and watched us. The entire royal family walking into the pack kitchen halfway through lunch. When we had been in meetings all day was already a little peculiar. Now Sam was still dragging Cynthia along with him. She stopped her kicking and screaming, she resorted to crying. Maybe it was because I could not see anything positive about her anymore. Perhaps all of my training made me good at reading people. Whatever it was I did not believe in her tears. To me, they felt like they were crocodile tears. To show the pack how much she was going to suffer at the hands of us. 

“Members of the Silver Moon pack, I regret having to inform you that yet another incident took place with Cynthia yesterday. When your Princess, future Luna, and Future Queen, Princess Ayla was interviewing people because she wanted one of our pack to become her Gemma. Cynthia came running into her office, to tell her that she would never be the Luna or Queen so she shouldn’t bother with trying to find Gemma.” Dad cut straight to the chase, I knew he was fed up with Cynthia too. 

Dillion had suggested a guard following her at all times to make sure she wouldn’t be a threat to Ayla or us. We talked about it during the meeting but that would prevent her from doing things we could actually punish her for. We just had to trust that Ayla was safe here in the castle, on pack grounds. She had successfully won the rest of the pack over, even the ones that took the longest to get to like her. So not only would 


Cynthia never find anyone to help her scheming. If she would ever go too far, I was sure the rest of the pack would come to Ayla’s rescue if they needed to. 

The murmurs, and the glares at Cynthia all confirmed how much the pack loved my wonderful mate. And why wouldn’t they? Since the moment that Ayla had officially accepted me as her mate, she made an effort to get to know the rest of the pack. She was kind and patient with everyone even the ones that didn’t like her at first. 

“Luckily, it’s not just bad news we have some good news too. And I feel my daughter–in–law should be the one to tell you.” Dad finished his 


Sam dragged his daughter off not even giving her the chance to explain herself. I have known Sam my entire life, he was born into the Silver Moon pack. His mate Emma moved into the pack after they met, neither of them had a job that could not transfer to the other pack. She wanted to be a housewife though, so she figured it would be wiser if Sam kept his job and she would move in with them. 

I was too young to remember her well, she was shot by a hunter. An innocent accident he didn’t know he trespassed into pack grounds. Emma was just on a run after her mate had come home because she wanted to have a moment to herself after taking care of Cynthia for a day. It was tragic, and even when I was so young I remembered how broken Sam was. He once tried to comfort me, before I knew of second- chance mates. Telling me it was better to lose your mate before you met them. Even at ten, I had felt how broken he still was eight years later. 



185 Ayla 

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Cynthia had been the light of his life though. He doted on her and worked extremely hard to give her all she wanted. And he never told her 

  1. no. 

For some reason, today. Sam snapped, something about what she did today made him realize he should have told her, no more often. How he was behaving now caused even more people to look at Cynthia. To keep murmuring about her, when Ayla still had her announcement to make. 

It was funny how yesterday she was scared I would be jealous of her working with Dean. He was a good kid. A little young but I know he cared for our pack a lot and always wanted to do something to help it. thrive. He was a lot like Ayla in that regard. They seemed to have the same type though. I had never seen him look at a she–wolf ever. But I noticed his eyes going over my body during shifting. Never in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. And when he knew about Ayla being my mate. Even before she accepted me he stopped glancing at me. The only reason I chuckled was because I should have known and introduced 

them sooner. It would have saved us all a lot of time. 

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 410 1


Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 410 2


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