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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 412

187 Ayla 

“You’re right, darling, I am just so excited to become a daddy. It finally feels life is how it’s supposed to be” Griffin agrees with me once more putting on the simple black shirt. 

And he is right it finally feels like the storms have settled, like we are where we need to be in life. Sure our workload still is crazy busy because of the delay. On top of that, I am still going to therapy. I still wake up to nightmares, bathing in sweat. Those are all things we are working on though. Things that will get better over time. I know the only thing this pup is going to bring us is more love and happiness. Even when I know that it is hard taking care of a pup, or that pregnancy can be rough. I am ready for it all because I know what we are doing it for. 

“You look ravishing, Darling, I already can’t wait for this party to be over!” Griffin tells me before kissing my mark. I wore a dress to show off the mark on purpose because I am still incredibly proud to have it. 

The fact that every time I wear something to show off the mark, Griff is all over me is just a bonus. If it was up to this man we would always be late to every event. So I take his hand in mine to drag him to the royal gardens where we are hosting the party. The weather was getting warmer so there was no way we were going to have this party inside. Isabella and I even managed to get a bouncy house for the kids. As we near the party, we can hear the laughter of small children drift over to us. Mixed with the smell of cotton candy and popcorn from the little 


carnival section we set up. Without thinking about it I place my hand on my stomach smiling. Thinking about the events where our little pup will join the rest of the kids in playing. 

Griffin noticed he didn’t say anything he just kissed my cheek as he placed his hand over mine. I gave him a small peck and took his hand in mine again. If he could not wear a t–shirt announcing the pregnancy we couldn’t walk in holding my stomach either. But it made me wonder if we should just plan a party to announce my pregnancy. Every pack loves to party and I found out very soon that the Silver Moon pack was no different. I was sure they would love to have another excuse to celebrate. 


This evening had been wonderful. I was growing a bit tired. And I was fairly sure it would not be long before Griffin would want to go back to his room because his social battery was drained. But the party was a huge success so far and I couldn’t have been happier. We had been a little worried Cynthia might try to show up to this party for the sole, reason tha 

is was not in the castle. We still didn’t trust her to not try to mess things up for us. To come over just to try and create some drama. Sam was here, he had been a bit anxious about coming too. He wanted. to watch his daughter all well joining us in the celebrations. He deserved to be here too. This thing with Cynthia luckily had not damaged hist standing in the pack, he still was a valued member. And he deserved to, he had confided in me that the reason for suddenly snapping at Cynthia was the fact that she had yet again harassed an innocent person. Risking not only her but his standing with the pack and reputation too. And when she was called to be confronted she had acted like we were 



187 Ayla 

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making a fuss about nothing. According to him, it was that new level of disrespect for everything and everyone around her that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

I made a point of going over to him now, just to show him that I held no grudges against him either. That he didn’t have to fear ever coming to me with his problems. It would make sense now if he would still visit Isabella since she is still the Luna. But I would hate for same to feel like he couldn’t come to me if I had taken over from her in a few years. I have been telling him I don’t blame him for his daughter’s actions. Griffin had too, but actions speak louder than words. So going over to him during a party to check up on how he is feeling. Just chit–chatting for a bit seemed like a good idea. 

“Oh Princess Ayla, how are you?” Sam’s stammering when he saw met showed me that I was right in walking over to him. 

It was obvious he still felt nervous about being around me, and I got it. If it was my daughter who would behave like this I would be mortified too Sure, Sam had made some mistakes in not being strict enough with his daughter. But not everyone who is spoiled like that turns out to be an ungrateful, spiteful, delusional bitch like Cynthia had. 

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 412 1

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 412 2

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 412 3


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