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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 414

189 Ayla 

“Is Sam okay? I worry for him” To my relief Eliza, one of the middle- aged women in the pack was the one that stopped me. She was a widower like Sam. 

With how she asked me if Sam was okay I wondered if there was more to it. Sometimes two wolves who both lost their mates fall in love. I don‘ t know if I could ever love someone knowing they would never love me like they loved their mate. Then again if Griffin would die young, I would never be able to love anyone as much as I loved him. Maybe it would work out, it didn’t matter anyway. Even if Eliza liked Sam as something more than a friend, it was not up to me. I wasn’t about to meddle in their lives. And I wasn’t about to tell her what it was exactly 

that Sam told me either. 

“I think the situation with Cynthia hurts him, and he could use a friend. I tell her because everyone knew about the situation with Cynthia and how much it hurt him. 

Eliza quickly made her way over to Sam, no longer interested in speaking with me. Which was fine by me, I was looking for Griffin anyway. It was not like him to disappear out of my sight during a pack party. It was not that I was worried, I just missed him, and I wanted to get some cotton candy with him. As I was looking for him two hands covered my eyes. 


“Guess who?” This time I recognized the voice, the scent, and even the hands on my face felt familiar enough for me to know who this was. 

“I would say the most perfect mate there ever was, but if that were the case you would have brought me cotton candy” I joked as I turned around to face Griffin. 

Who grabbed his chest in mock hurt, as if my words cut him deep. I knew him well enough by now. His eyes were sparkling with love and mischief. I loved how we evolved from the beginning, riddled with insecurities from both of us. To the point where we could just joke around and tease each other like this. 

“Let me redeem myself and get you some cotton candy then.” I was surprised to see Griffin turning on his heels the moment he promised to get me cotton candy. 

Until he hoisted me on his back giving me a piggyback ride to the cotton candy stand. I couldn’t stop giggling not even when at least half the pack- was staring at us. Most seemed amused though. Unlike at the Blood Moon pack, we as pack rulers didn’t have to keep up with a ton of stupid rules here. We didn’t have to be seen as the serious, strong. elegant ones. Here at the Silver Moon pack we were more than the future Alpha and Luna we were a young, newly mated couple too, we could be a daughter and son. A sister, a friend and it was one of the things I loved most about our pack. 

Since we could not allow humans on pack grounds, especially not 



shifts, so they could all get to just enjoy the party without working too. Chris had just started his shift. He chuckled as he saw us arrive and when Griff wouldn’t let go of me he just handed me the cotton candy as I was still clinging to Griffin. 

I had set it up so that everyone worked one–hour 

so and they still seemed to enjoy the 

members to man the 

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 414 1


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