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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 411

186 Ayla 

It’s been a week since I announced Dean was going to be my Beta. It was also a week since we banned Cynthia from the castle. She was not doing well, no pack member wanted to hire her. Sam did not trust her enough to work outside the pack. Stating he still had to watch her to make sure she would not go off the rail, even more than she had lately. Since no pack member wanted to take her in and let her crash on their couch either. She had nowhere to go, so Sam let her sleep in her room. He made sure she had plenty of food but no extras and she needed to repay him. Sometimes I pitied her but it had worked. Ever since that day, she had never bothered me anymore. Tomorrow we would have the party celebrating I had chosen my Beta and Gemma. 

Today, I got to go to the pack doctor to find out if I was pregnant or not. At first, I figured Griffin and I would just go together. Finding out if we were expecting or not. Until I realized this was the perfect thing to surprise him with. As far as he knew I would just go to my therapy, session and then go to work. I had my therapy session and Isabella would be the one to take me to the pack doctor. The chance that it was terrible news, something worse than not being pregnant. It was still nices to know that if it happened I had someone I could trust with me. 

The plan now was to let Griffin know just before the party. If I happened not to be pregnant we would just go together to the appointment we had in three days. It might not be totally honest, but I would not want him to feel bad if we were not pregnant. Maybe I would not have made that decision if I had been really unsure. Even with the nausea never coming 


back I was pretty sure that I was pregnant. My body just felt like it was changing. I just need to be sure in order to tell Griffin and the rest of the pack members and our friends and family later on. 

“Congratulations, Princess Ayla, you are pregnant.” The pack doctor 

beams at me. 

She had sworn to me that she would keep it a secret even from her own family until I made the official announcement. As I did all my pack members, it still was big news for the pack doctor. Me being pregnant meant that the pack would have a next ruler. That our family line that was so tied to the pack was secured. It was nice to see how happy she was about it. No one could beat Isabella’s happiness though. She hugged me so tight that I was scared she would squash me and my baby. Before dragging me off to the mall close to the pack. We had it all planned out. 

It would get dressed for the party, and lay out Griffin’s jeans and sneakers, as this was going to be something casual. More like a block party like the humans have sometimes. The kitchen staff made a lot of easy dishes and all wolves that wanted to could bring a dish too. Of course, we would make sure to have plenty of drinks too, both alcoholic and non–alcoholic. So as Griffin would dress himself I would offer him two shirts to pick from. One shirt would say “I can’t wait to meet you, daddy!” I couldn’t wait to see his face as he would try to make sense of it. The only thing I was more excited about was the moment when he would realize what it meant. 



186 Ayla 


#288 Vouchers 

I had changed into a white and black checkered dress. So I had a black shirt ready for Griffin because I still loved it when we matched. On the other hand, I held the white T–shirt with the text on it. 

“Darling, you haven’t laid out a shirt for me, do you want me to get one myself?” Griffin called out for me from the bathroom. 

He always prefers to get dressed in the bedroom but he hadn’t said anything when I had laid his clothes out in the bathroom. 

“No Baby, I am sorry I couldn’t chose so you will have to” I called back making my way to the bathroom. 

He looked up from buttoning his jeans when I walked in. The same soft smile he always had when we were together on his face. He was about to talk to me about the shirts when he noticed the text on the white shirt. I had made sure to put both shirts on hangers so that he could clearly read 

the text. 

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 411 1

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 411 2


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